§ 222.6 - Authority to administer oaths other than for employment.  

Latest version.
  • The following are authorized to administer oaths concerning matters other than employment:

    (a) Postal inspectors with regard to any matter coming before them in the performance of their official duties;

    (b) Any member of a board who is assigned to conduct hearings or investigations in which sworn testimony, affidavits, or depositions are required and each officer or employee assigned to conduct such hearings or investigations;

    (c) Postmasters' authority. Postmasters are required, empowered, and authorized, when requested, to administer oaths with a like force and effect as officials having a seal, as follows:

    (1) Expense accounts. Accounts for travel or other expenses against the United States.

    (2) Customs documents. At post offices where customs officers are not stationed, any oath required to be made to statements in customs documents by importers of merchandise by mail, not exceeding $100 in value.

    (3) Recruitments for Job Training Programs. Oaths of office to prospective Job Training Programs enrollees.

    (4) Fees. Do not collect fees for these services. The United States will not reimburse postal employees for fees paid for administering oaths.

    (d) Postmasters in Alaska as notaries public. (1) Administer oaths and affirmations; take acknowledgments and make and execute certificates thereof; and perform all other functions of a notary public within Alaska whenever a certification is necessary to comply with any Act of Congress or of the Legislature of Alaska.

    (2) When executing certificates of oath, affirmation, or acknowledgment, and the title “Postmaster” after your signature and give the name of the post office and date document is executed. Place legible postmark impression of the post office on the document.

    (3) Keep a record of all deeds and other instruments of writing acknowledged, relating to the title to or transfer of property. This record shall be available to your successors, and shall be subject to public inspection.

    (e) Fees for notarial service. An officer or employee who is a notary public shall not charge or receive compensation for notarial services for another officer or employee regarding Government business; nor for notarial services for any person during the hours of the notary's services to the Government, including the lunch period.