§ 222.8 - Authority to designate certifying officers—field.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Delegation. The following are authorized to designate certifying officers in Postal Data Centers and Inspection Service regions and divisions:

    (1) The Chief Postal Inspector, for obligations of the Inspection Service.

    (2) Postal Data Center Directors for obligations of all other regional functions.

    (3) The New York Postal Data Center Director for obligations for Headquarters functions except those under § 222.7(a) (1) and (2) and those certified by the Senior Assistant Postmaster General, Finance, or designee.

    (b) Redelegation. The officials named in paragraph (a) of this section are authorized to redelegate their authority to designate certifying officers. Redelegations shall be by letter to each disbursing officer affected, with the specimen signature of the person to whom authority is redelegated.

    (c) Designating certifying officers—(1) Regional Chief Postal Inspectors and Postal Inspectors-in-Charge. Regional Chief Postal Inspectors and Postal Inspectors-in-Charge are designated certifying officers, as limited by the Chief Postal Inspector. They are authorized to designate certifying officers for obligations incurred by the Postal Inspection Service. They will complete SF 210 in duplicate to show:

    (i) Postal Inspection Service region or division for which vouchers will be certified.

    (ii) Signature of certifying officer written in the same manner that he will sign vouchers.

    (iii) Class of vouchers to be certified.

    (iv) Signature of the designating official and effective date. Regional Chief Postal Inspectors and Postal Inspectors—in—Charge are not authorized to redelegate their authority to designate authorized certifying officers.

    (2) Postal Data Center Directors. Officers under direction of Postal Data Center Directors will complete SF 210 in duplicate as in paragraph (c)(1) of this section except for signature and date. Both copies will be sent to the appropriate Postal Data Center Director for completion.

    (3) Submitting SF 210 to disbursing officer. The Regional Chief Postal Inspector, Postal Inspectors-in-Charge, and Postal Data Center Director (or designees) will send the originals of SF 210 to each disbursing officer affected and keep the duplicates. These will be the official designations of the employees named on the SF 210 as certifying officers.

    (d) Maintaining designations. Each office under jurisdiction of the officials named in § 222.8 must keep current its designation of authorized certifying officers. When new additional designations are made, this § 222.8 shall be followed.