§ 3001.111 - Initiation of review proceedings.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Petition for review. Review of a determination of the Postal Service to close or consolidate a post office shall be obtained by filing a petition for review with the Secretary of this Commission. Such petition must be received by the Commission within 30 days after the Service has made available to persons served by that post office the written determination to close or consolidate required by 39 U.S.C. 404(b) (3) through (4). The petition shall specify the parties seeking review, all of whom must be persons served by the post office proposed to be closed or consolidated and shall identify the Postal Service as respondent. The Commission encourages parties seeking review to attach a copy of the Postal Service written determination, as the appeal process is thereby expedited. If two or more persons are entitled to petition for review of the same determination and their interests are such as to make joinder practicable, they may file a joint petition for review and may thereafter proceed as a single petitioner.

    (b) Intervention. A person served by the post office to be closed or consolidated pursuant to the Postal Service written determination under review who desires to intervene in the proceeding, or any other interested person, or any counsel, agent or other person authorized or recognized by the Postal Service as such interested person's representative or the representative of such interested person's recognized group, such as Postmasters, shall file with the Secretary of the Commission and serve upon all parties a notice of intervention in a form prescribed by § 3001.20. The notice shall contain a concise statement of the interest of the moving party and the grounds upon which intervention is sought. A notice of intervention shall be filed within 25 days of the date on which the notice for review is filed. The provisions of § 3001.20 (c) through (f) of Subpart A of this part shall apply to notices of intervention in review proceedings.