§ 3010.14 - Contents of notice of rate adjustment.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General . The Postal Service notice of rate adjustment must include the following information:

    (1) A schedule of the proposed rates;

    (2) The planned effective date(s) of the proposed rates;

    (3) A representation or evidence that public notice of the planned changes has been issued or will be issued at least 45 days before the effective date(s) for the proposed new rates; and

    (4) The identity of a responsible Postal Service official who will be available to provide prompt responses to requests for clarification from the Commission.

    (b) Supporting technical information and justifications. The notice of rate adjustment shall be accompanied by:

    (1) The amount of the applicable change in CPI–U calculated as required by §3010.21 or §3010.22, as appropriate. This information must be supported by workpapers in which all calculations are shown, and all input values including all relevant CPI–U values are listed with citations to the original sources;

    (2) A schedule showing unused rate authority available for each class of mail displayed by class and available amount for each of the preceding 5 years. This information must be supported by workpapers in which all calculations are shown;

    (3) The percentage change in rates for each class of mail calculated as required by §3010.23. This information must be supported by workpapers in which all calculations are shown, and all input values including current rates, new rates, and billing determinants are listed with citations to the original sources;

    (4) The amount of new unused rate authority, if any, that will be generated by the rate adjustment calculated as required by §3010.26. All calculations are to be shown with citations to the original sources. If new unused rate authority will be generated for a class of mail that is not expected to cover its attributable costs, the Postal Service must provide the rationale underlying this rate adjustment;

    (5) A schedule of the workshare discounts included in the proposed rates, and a companion schedule listing the avoided costs that underlie each such discount. The avoided cost figures must be developed from the most recent PRC Annual Compliance Report. This information must be supported by workpapers in which all calculations are shown, and all input values are listed with citations to the original sources;

    (6) Separate justification for all proposed workshare discounts that exceed avoided costs. Each such justification shall reference applicable reasons identified in 39 U.S.C. 3622(e)(2) or (3). The Postal Service shall also identify and explain discounts that are set substantially below avoided costs and explain any relationship between discounts that are above and those that are below avoided costs;

    (7) A discussion that demonstrates how the planned rate adjustments are designed to help achieve the objectives listed in 39 U.S.C. 3622(b) and properly take into account the factors listed in 39 U.S.C. 3622(c);

    (8) A discussion that demonstrates the planned rate adjustments are consistent with 39 U.S.C. 3626, 3627, and 3629;

    (9) A schedule identifying every change to the Mail Classification Schedule that will be necessary to implement the planned rate adjustments; and

    (10) Such other information as the Postal Service believes will assist the Commission to issue a timely determination of whether the requested increases are consistent with applicable statutory policies.

    (c) New workshare discounts. Whenever the Postal Service establishes a new workshare discount rate, it must include with its filing:

    (1) A statement explaining its reasons for establishing the discount;

    (2) All data, economic analyses, and other information relied on to justify the discount; and

    (3) A certification based on comprehensive, competent analyses that the discount will not adversely affect either the rates or the service levels of users of postal services who do not take advantage of the discount.

    (d) Information required only when Type 1–B rate adjustments are proposed. The notice of rate adjustment shall identify for each affected class how much existing unused rate authority is used in the proposed rates calculated as required by §3010.27. All calculations are to be shown, including citations to the original sources.