§ 3010.160 - Motions.  

Latest version.
  • § 3010.160 Motions.

    (a) Motions. A motion is an application for a Commission order or ruling by a presiding officer. Motions may be presented by any person who participates in, or who seeks to participate in, a proceeding before the Commission. Motions may be supported by declarations, exhibits, library references, attachments, and other submissions. Motions shall set forth with particularity the ruling or relief sought, the grounds therefore and the statutory and other authorities relied upon. Motions shall be in writing, except that after a hearing has convened, motions may be made orally to the Commission or to the presiding officer if one has been appointed.

    (b) Responses to motions. A response to a motion may be presented by any person who participates in, or who seeks to participate in, a proceeding before the Commission. Responses shall state with particularity the position of the person submitting the response with regard to the relief or ruling requested in the motion and the grounds therefore and the statutory and other authorities relied upon. Responses to written motions must be filed within seven days after the motion is filed and posted on the Commission's website, or such other deadline as the rules of practice provide or as the Commission or presiding officer may establish. Responses to oral motions made during a hearing may be made orally to the Commission or to the presiding officer if one has been appointed, unless directed to reduce the response to writing for subsequent consideration.

    (c) Replies. Unless the Commission or presiding officer otherwise provides, no reply to a response or any further responsive document may be filed.

    (d) Rulings. The Commission or the presiding office may rule on a motion in writing, or orally during a hearing. A ruling may be issued immediately, without waiting for a response, whenever the person propounding the motion asserts that all affected persons have been contacted and agree not to oppose the motion or when the Commission in its discretion determines that immediate action is appropriate.