Subpart C - Rules for Determining the Maximum Rate Adjustment  

§ 3010.20 - Calculation of maximum rate adjustment.
§ 3010.21 - Calculation of annual limitation when Type 1-A or Type 1-B notices of rate adjustment are 12 or more months apart.
§ 3010.22 - Calculation of annual limitation when Type 1-A or Type 1-B notices of rate adjustment are less than 12 months apart.
§ 3010.23 - Calculation of percentage change in rates.
§ 3010.24 - Treatment of volume associated with negotiated service agreements and rate incentives that are not rates of general applicability.
§ 3010.25 - Limitation on application of unused rate adjustment authority.
§ 3010.26 - Calculation of unused rate adjustment authority for Type 1-A and Type 1-B rate adjustments.
§ 3010.27 - Calculation of unused rate adjustment authority for Type 1-C rate adjustments.
§ 3010.28 - Application of unused rate adjustment authority.
§ 3010.29 - Maximum size of Type 1-B rate adjustments.
§ 3010.30 - De minimis rate increases.
§ 3010.140 - Opportunity for comment.
§ 3010.141 - Appeals of Postal Service determinations to close or consolidate post offices.
§ 3010.142 - Parties to hearings on the record.
§ 3010.143 - Representation of persons.
§ 3010.144 - Limitation of participation by investigative or prosecuting officers.