§ 3020.13 - Contents of the Mail Classification Schedule.  

Latest version.
  • The Mail Classification Schedule shall provide:

    (a) The list of market dominant products, including:

    (1) The class of each market dominant product;

    (2) The description of each market dominant product;

    (3) A schedule listing for each market dominant product the current rates and fees;

    (4) Where applicable, the identification of a product as a special classification within the meaning of 39 U.S.C. 3622(c)(10) for market dominant products;

    (5) Where applicable, the identification of a product as an experimental product undergoing a market test; and

    (6) Where applicable, the identification of a product as a non-postal product.

    (b) The list of competitive products, including:

    (1) The description of each competitive product;

    (2) A schedule listing for each competitive product of general applicability the current rates and fees;

    (3) The identification of each product not of general applicability within the meaning of 39 U.S.C. 3632(b)(3) for competitive products;

    (4) Where applicable, the identification of a product as an experimental product undergoing a market test; and

    (5) Where applicable, the identification of a product as a non-postal product.