§ 956.4 - Initiation of proceedings.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Ethical Conduct Officer shall initiate a proceeding by serving upon the proposed respondent a written notice of proposed disciplinary action in the manner hereinafter (§ 956.9(d)) provided for the service of all other papers.

    (b) The notice shall:

    (1) State that disciplinary action is being proposed;

    (2) Inform the respondent of the subsection of section 207 (18 U.S.C. 207) that he is alleged to have violated and of the basis of the allegation;

    (3) Inform the respondent of the disciplinary action which is proposed;

    (4) Advise the respondent that he may oppose the proposed disciplinary action by filing an answer within 20 days following receipt of the notice;

    (5) State that the disciplinary action will not become effective until after a final agency decision is issued;

    (6) Inform the respondent of the rules in this part, a copy of which shall be enclosed with the notice.

    (c) If no answer is filed within 20 days following the receipt of the notice, the proposed disciplinary action set forth in the notice shall become the final agency decision without further notice to the respondent.