§ 201.6 - Responsibility, form, and content of responses.  

Latest version.
  • The Board's Executive Director or his/her designated FOIA Officer is authorized to grant or deny any request for a record and determine appropriate fees. When determining which records are responsive to a request, the Board will include only records in its possession as of the date of the request.

    (a) If no records are responsive to the request, the FOIA Officer will notify the requestor in writing.

    (b) When the FOIA Officer denies a request in whole or in part, he/she will notify the requestor in writing. The response will be signed by the FOIA Officer and will include:

    (1) The name and title or position of the person making the denial;

    (2) A brief statement of the reasons for the denial, including the FOIA exemption(s) that the FOIA Officer has relied on in denying the request; and

    (3) A statement that the denial may be appealed under §201.14 and a description of the requirements of that section.

    (c) Referrals. When a request for a record not created by the Board is received, the Board shall refer the requestor to the issuing agency in writing, providing the address of the agency contact and the section(s) referred.

    (d) Timing of responses to requests sent to other agencies. The Board shall provide, within the FOIA deadline, responses only to those parts of the request not referred.

    (e) Agreements on referrals. The Board may make agreements with other agencies to eliminate the need for referrals for particular types of records.