Table 2 to Subpart Ce - Emissions Limits for Small HMIWI Which Meet the Criteria Under § 60.33e(b)  

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  • PollutantUnits (7 percent oxygen, dry basis)HMIWI emission limitsParticulate matterMilligrams per dry standard cubic meter (grains per dry standard cubic foot)197 (0.086).Carbon monoxideParts per million by volume40.Dioxins/furansnanograms per dry standard cubic meter total dioxins/furans (grains per billion dry standard cubic feet) or nanograms per dry standard cubic meter TEQ (grains per billion dry standard cubic feet)800 (350) or 15 (6.6).Hydrogen chlorideParts per million by volume3100.Sulfur dioxideParts per million by volume55.Nitrogen oxidesParts per million by volume250.LeadMilligrams per dry standard cubic meter (grains per thousand dry standard cubic feet)10 (4.4).CadmiumMilligrams per dry standard cubic meter (grains per thousand dry standard cubic feet)4 (1.7).MercuryMilligrams per dry standard cubic meter (grains per thousands dry standard cubic feet)7.5 (3.3).