Table 8 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Emission Limitations That Apply to Waste-Burning Kilns After May 20, 2011  

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  • Table 8 to Subpart DDDD of Part 60 - Model Rule - Emission Limitations That Apply to Waste-Burning Kilns After May 20, 2011

    [Date to be specified in state plan] 1

    For the air pollutant You must meet this emission limitation2 Using this averaging time3 And determining compliance using this method 3 4
    Cadmium 0.0014 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 2 dry standard cubic meters) Performance test (Method 29 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8).
    Carbon monoxide 110 (long kilns)/790 (preheater/precalciner) parts per million dry volume 3-run average (1 hour minimum sample time per run) Performance test (Method 10 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-4).
    Dioxins/furans (total mass basis) 1.3 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 4 dry standard cubic meters) Performance test (Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7).
    Dioxins/furans (toxic equivalency basis) 0.075 nanograms per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 4 dry standard cubic meters) Performance test (Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7).
    Hydrogen chloride 3.0 parts per million dry volume 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meter), or 30-day rolling average if HCl CEMS is being used If a wet scrubber or dry scrubber is used, performance test (Method 321 at 40 CFR part 63, appendix A of this part). If a wet scrubber or dry scrubber is not used, HCl CEMS as specified in § 60.2710(j).
    Lead 0.014 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 2 dry standard cubic meters) Performance test (Method 29 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8).
    Mercury 0.011 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter. Or 58 pounds/million tons of clinker 30-day rolling average Mercury CEMS or integrated sorbent trap monitoring system (performance specification 12A or 12B, respectively, of appendix B and procedure 5 of appendix F of this part), as specified in § 60.2710(j).
    Nitrogen oxides 630 parts per million dry volume 3-run average (for Method 7E, 1 hour minimum sample time per run) Performance test (Method 7 or 7E at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-4).
    Particulate matter filterable 13.5 milligrams per dry standard cubic meter 3-run average (collect a minimum volume of 1 dry standard cubic meter) Performance test (Method 5 or 29 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 or appendix-8).
    Sulfur dioxide 600 parts per million dry volume 3-run average (for Method 6, collect a minimum of 20 liters; for Method 6C, 1 hour minimum sample time per run) Performance test (Method 6 or 6c at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-4).

    [85 FR 63407, Oct. 7, 2020]