Table 1 to Subpart Ec of Part 60 - Emission Limits for Small, Medium, and Large HMIWI  

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  • PollutantUnits (7 percent oxygen, dry basis)Emission limitsHMIWI sizeSmallMediumLargeParticulate matterMilligrams per dry standard cubic meter (grains per dry standard cubic foot)69 (0.03)34 (0.015)34 (0.015).Carbon monoxideParts per million by volume404040.Dioxins/furansNanograms per dry standard cubic meter total dioxins/furans (grains per billion dry standard cubic feet) or nanograms per dry standard cubic meter total dioxins/furans TEQ (grains per billion dry standard cubic feet)125 (55) or 2.3 (1.0)25 (11) or 0.6 (0.26)25 (11) or 0.6 (0.26).Hydrogen chlorideParts per million or percent reduction15 or 99%15 or 99%15 or 99%.Sulfur dioxideParts per million by volume555555.Nitrogen oxidesParts per million by volume250250250.LeadMilligrams per dry standard cubic meter (grains per thousand dry standard cubic feet) or percent reduction1.2 (0.52) or 70%0.07 (0.03) or 98%0.07 (0.03) or 98%.CadmiumMilligrams per dry standard cubic meter (grains per thousand dry standard cubic feet) or percent reduction0.16 (0.07) or 65%0.04 (0.02) or 90%0.04 (0.02) or 90%.MercuryMilligrams per dry standard cubic meter (grains per thousand dry standard cubic feet) or percent reduction0.55 (0.24) or 85%0.55 (0.24) or 85%0.55 (0.24) or 85%.