Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 40 - Protection of Environment |
Chapter I - Environmental Protection Agency |
SubChapter C - Air Programs |
Part 60 - Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources |
Subpart MMMM - Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units |
Table 6 to Subpart MMMM of Part 60 - Model Rule - Summary of Reporting Requirements for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units a
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Table 6 to Subpart MMMM of Part 60 - Model Rule - Summary of Reporting Requirements for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Unitsa
Report Due date Contents Reference Increments of progress report No later than 10 business days after the compliance date for the increment 1. Final control plan including air pollution control device descriptions, process changes, type of waste to be burned, and the maximum design sewage sludge burning capacity
2. Notification of any failure to meet an increment of progress.
3. Notification of any closure.§ 60.5235(a). Initial compliance report No later than 60 days following the initial performance test 1. Company name and address
2. Statement by a responsible official, with that official's name, title, and signature, certifying the accuracy of the content of the report§ 60.5235(b). 3. Date of report 4. Complete test report for the initial performance test 5. Results of CMSb performance evaluation 6. The values for the site-specific operating limits and the calculations and methods used to establish each operating limit 7. Documentation of installation of bag leak detection system for fabric filter 8. Results of initial air pollution control device inspection, including a description of repairs 9. The site-specific monitoring plan required under § 60.5200 10. The site-specific monitoring plan for your ash handling system required under § 60.5200 Annual compliance report No later than 12 months following the submission of the initial compliance report; subsequent reports are to be submitted no more than 12 months following the previous report 1. Company name and address
2. Statement and signature by responsible official.
3. Date and beginning and ending dates of report.
4. If a performance test was conducted during the reporting period, the results of the test, including any new operating limits and associated calculations and the type of activated carbon used, if applicable.§ 60.5235(c). 5. For each pollutant and operating parameter recorded using a CMS, the highest recorded 3-hour average and the lowest recorded 3-hour average, as applicable 6. If no deviations from emission limits, emission standards, or operating limits occurred, a statement that no deviations occurred 7. If a fabric filter is used, the date, time, and duration of alarms 8. If a performance evaluation of a CMS was conducted, the results, including any new operating limits and their associated calculations 9. If you met the requirements of § 60.5205(a)(3) and did not conduct a performance test, include the dates of the last three performance tests, a comparison to the 50 percent emission limit threshold of the emission level achieved in the last three performance tests, and a statement as to whether there have been any process changes 10. Documentation of periods when all qualified SSI unit operators were unavailable for more than 8 hours but less than 2 weeks 11. Results of annual pollutions control device inspections, including description of repairs 12. If there were no periods during which your CMSs had malfunctions, a statement that there were no periods during which your CMSs had malfunctions 13. If there were no periods during which your CMSs were out of control, a statement that there were no periods during which your CMSs were out of control 14. If there were no operator training deviations, a statement that there were no such deviations 15. Information on monitoring plan revisions, including a copy of any revised monitoring plan Deviation report (deviations from emission limits, emission standards, or operating limits, as specified in § 60.5235(e)(1)) By August 1 of a calendar year for data collected during the first half of the calendar year; by February 1 of a calendar year for data collected during the second half of the calendar year If using a CMS:
1. Company name and address.
2. Statement by a responsible official.
3. The calendar dates and times your unit deviated from the emission limits or operating limits.
4. The averaged and recorded data for those dates.
5. Duration and cause of each deviation.§ 60.5235(d). 6. Dates, times, and causes for monitor downtime incidents 7. A copy of the operating parameter monitoring data during each deviation and any test report that documents the emission levels 8. For periods of CMS malfunction or when a CMS was out of control, you must include the information specified in § 60.5235(d)(3)(viii) If not using a CMS: 1. Company name and address 2. Statement by a responsible official 3. The total operating time of each affected SSI 4. The calendar dates and times your unit deviated from the emission limits, emission standard, or operating limits 5. The averaged and recorded data for those dates 6. Duration and cause of each deviation 7. A copy of any performance test report that showed a deviation from the emission limits or standards 8. A brief description of any malfunction, a description of actions taken during the malfunction to minimize emissions, and corrective action taken Notification of qualified operator deviation (if all qualified operators are not accessible for 2 weeks or more) Within 10 days of deviation 1. Statement of cause of deviation
2. Description of actions taken to ensure that a qualified operator will be available.
3. The date when a qualified operator will be accessible.§ 60.5235(e). Notification of status of qualified operator deviation Every 4 weeks following notification of deviation 1. Description of actions taken to ensure that a qualified operator is accessible
2. The date when you anticipate that a qualified operator will be accessible.
3. Request for approval to continue operation.§ 60.5235(e). Notification of resumed operation following shutdown (due to qualified operator deviation and as specified in § 60.5155(b)(2)(i) Within five days of obtaining a qualified operator and resuming operation 1. Notification that you have obtained a qualified operator and are resuming operation § 60.5235(e). Notification of a force majeure As soon as practicable following the date you first knew, or through due diligence should have known that the event may cause or caused a delay in conducting a performance test beyond the regulatory deadline; the notification must occur before the performance test deadline unless the initial force majeure or a subsequent force majeure event delays the notice, and in such cases, the notification must occur as soon as practicable 1. Description of the force majeure event
2. Rationale for attributing the delay in conducting the performance test beyond the regulatory deadline to the force majeure
3. Description of the measures taken or to be taken to minimize the delay.
4. Identification of the date by which you propose to conduct the performance test.§ 60.5235(f). Notification of intent to start or stop use of a CMS 1 month before starting or stopping use of a CMS 1. Intent to start or stop use of a CMS § 60.5235(g). Notification of intent to conduct a performance test At least 30 days prior to the performance test 1. Intent to conduct a performance test to comply with this subpart Notification of intent to conduct a rescheduled performance test At least 7 days prior to the date of a rescheduled performance test 1. Intent to conduct a rescheduled performance test to comply with this subpart