Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 40 - Protection of Environment |
Chapter I - Environmental Protection Agency |
SubChapter C - Air Programs |
Part 63 - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Categories |
Subpart DDDDD - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters |
Tables to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7193, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7195, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7198, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7199, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7200, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7201, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7203, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7204, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7205, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7205, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7206, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7208, January 31, 2013.
Link to an amendment published at 78 FR 7210, January 31, 2013.
As stated in § 63.7500, you must comply with the following applicable emission limits:
Table 1 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Emission Limits for New or Reconstructed Boilers and Process Heaters a
[Units with heat input capacity of 10 million Btu per hour or greater]
If your boiler or process heater is in this subcategory . . . For the following pollutants . . . The emissions must not exceed the following emission limits, except during periods of startup and shutdown . . . Or the emissions must not exceed the following output-based limits
(lb per MMBtu of steam output) . . .Using this specified sampling volume or test run duration . . . 1. Units in all subcategories designed to burn solid fuel a. Particulate Matter 0.0011 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) 0.0011; (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) Collect a minimum of 3 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.0022 lb per MMBtu of heat input 0.0021 For M26A, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26 collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. c. Mercury 3.5E-06 lb per MMBtu of heat input 3.4E-06 For M29, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M30A or M30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in the method; for ASTM D6784 bcollect a minimum of 2 dscm. 2. Units designed to burn pulverized coal/solid fossil fuel a. Carbon monoxide (CO) 12 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.01 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 30 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.003 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 2.8E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 3. Stokers designed to burn coal/solid fossil fuel a. CO 6 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.005 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 20 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.003 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 2.8E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 4. Fluidized bed units designed to burn coal/solid fossil fuel a. CO 18 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.02 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 40 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.002 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 1.8E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 5. Stokers designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids a. CO 160 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.13 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 400 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.005 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 4.4E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 6. Fluidized bed units designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids a. CO 260 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.18 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 500 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.02 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 1.8E-11 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 7. Suspension burners/Dutch Ovens designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids a. CO 470 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.45 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 1000 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.2 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 1.8E-10 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 8. Fuel cells designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids a. CO 470 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.23 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 1000 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.003 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 2.86E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 9. Hybrid suspension/grate units designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids a. CO 1,500 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.84 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 3000 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.2 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 1.8E-10 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 10. Units designed to burn liquid fuel a. Particulate Matter 0.0013 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for residual oil-fired units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for other units) 0.001; (30-day rolling average for residual oil-fired units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for other units) Collect a minimum of 3 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.00033 lb per MMBtu of heat input 0.0003 For M26A: Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. c. Mercury 2.1E-07 lb per MMBtu of heat input 0.2E-06 Collect enough volume to meet an in-stack detection limit data quality objective of 0.10 ug/dscm. d. CO 3 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.0026 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 3 ppmv. e. Dioxins/Furans 0.002 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 4.6E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 11. Units designed to burn liquid fuel located in non-continental States and territories a. Particulate Matter 0.0013 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for residual oil-fired units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for other units) 0.001; (30-day rolling average for residual oil-fired units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for other units) Collect a minimum of 3 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.00033 lb per MMBtu of heat input 0.0003 For M26A: Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. c. Mercury 7.8E-07 lb per MMBtu of heat input 8.0E-07 For M29, collect a minimum of 3 dscm per run; for M30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in the method; for ASTM D6784 bcollect a minimum of 3 dscm. d. CO 51 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.043 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 100 ppmv. e. Dioxins/Furans 0.002 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 4.6E-12(TEQ) Collect a minimum of 3 dscm per run. 12. Units designed to burn gas 2 (other) gases a. Particulate Matter 0.0067 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) .004; (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.0017 lb per MMBtu of heat input .003 For M26A, Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. c. Mercury 7.9E-06 lb per MMBtu of heat input 2.0E-07 For M29, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M30A or M30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in the method; for ASTM D6784 bcollect a minimum of 2 dscm. d. CO 3 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.002 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 10 ppmv. e. Dioxins/Furans 0.08 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 4.1E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run a If your affected source is a new or reconstructed affected source that commenced construction or reconstruction after June 4, 2010, and before May 20, 2011, you may comply with the emission limits in Table 12 to this subpart until March 21, 2014. On and after March 21, 2014, you must comply with the emission limits in Table 1 to this subpart.
b Incorporated by reference, see § 63.14.
As stated in § 63.7500, you must comply with the following applicable emission limits:
Table 2 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Emission Limits for Existing Boilers and Process Heaters
[Units with heat input capacity of 10 million Btu per hour or greater]
If your boiler or process heater is in this subcategory . . . For the following pollutants . . . The emissions must not exceed the following emission limits, except during periods of startup and shutdown . . . The emissions must not exceed the following output-based limits (lb per MMBtu of steam output) . . . Using this specified sampling volume or test run duration . . . 1. Units in all subcategories designed to burn solid fuel a. Particulate Matter 0.039 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) 0.038; (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.035 lb per MMBtu of heat input 0.04 For M26A, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. c. Mercury 4.6E-06 lb per MMBtu of heat input 4.5E-06 For M29, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M30A or M30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in the method; for ASTM D6784 acollect a minimum of 2 dscm. 2. Pulverized coal units designed to burn pulverized coal/solid fossil fuel a. CO 160 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.14 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 300 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.004 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 3.7E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 3. Stokers designed to burn coal/solid fossil fuel a. CO 270 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.25 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 500 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.003 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 2.8E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 4. Fluidized bed units designed to burn coal/solid fossil fuel a. CO 82 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.08 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 200 ppmv b. Dioxins/Furans 0.002 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 1.8E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 5. Stokers designed to burn biomass/bio-based solid a. CO 490 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.35 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 1000 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.005 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 4.4E-12 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 6. Fluidized bed units designed to burn biomass/bio-based solid a. CO 430 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.28 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 850 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.02 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 1.8E-11(TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 7. Suspension burners/Dutch Ovens designed to burn biomass/bio-based solid a. CO 470 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.45 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 1000 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.2 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 1.8E-10 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 8. Fuel cells designed to burn biomass/bio-based solid a. CO 690 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.34 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 1300 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 4 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 3.5E-09 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 9. Hybrid suspension/grate units designed to burn biomass/bio-based solid a. CO 3,500 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 2.0 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 7000 ppmv. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.2 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 1.8E-10 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 10. Units designed to burn liquid fuel a. Particulate Matter 0.0075 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for residual oil-fired units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for other units) 0.0073; (30-day rolling average for residual oil-fired units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for other units) Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.00033 lb per MMBtu of heat input 0.0003 For M26A, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 200 liters per run. c. Mercury 3.5E-06 lb per MMBtu of heat input 3.3E-06 For M29, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M30A or M30B collect a minimum sample as specified in the method, for ASTM D6784 acollect a minimum of 2 dscm. d. CO 10 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.0083 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 20 ppmv. e. Dioxins/Furans 4 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 9.2E-09 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run. 11. Units designed to burn liquid fuel located in non-continental States and territories a. Particulate Matter 0.0075 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for residual oil-fired units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for other units) 0.0073; (30-day rolling average for residual oil-fired units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for other units) Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.00033 lb per MMBtu of heat input 0.0003 For M26A, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 200 liters per run. c. Mercury 7.8E-07 lb per MMBtu of heat input 8.0E-07 For M29, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M30A or M30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in the method; for ASTM D6784 acollect a minimum of 2 dscm. d. CO 160 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.13 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 300 ppmv. e. Dioxins/Furans 4 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 9.2E-09 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run. 12. Units designed to burn gas 2 (other) gases a. Particulate Matter 0.043 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) 0.026; (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.0017 lb per MMBtu of heat input 0.001 For M26A, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. c. Mercury 1.3E-05 lb per MMBtu of heat input 7.8E-06 For M29, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M30A or M30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in the method; for ASTM D6784 acollect a minimum of 2 dscm. d. CO 9 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 0.005 1 hr minimum sampling time, use a span value of 20 ppmv. e. Dioxins/Furans 0.08 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen 3.9E-11 (TEQ) Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. a Incorporated by reference, see § 63.14.
As stated in § 63.7500, you must comply with the following applicable work practice standards:
Table 3 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Work Practice Standards
If your unit is . . . You must meet the following . . . 1. A new or existing boiler or process heater with heat input capacity of less than 10 million Btu per hour or a limited use boiler or process heater Conduct a tune-up of the boiler or process heater biennially as specified in § 63.7540. 2. A new or existing boiler or process heater in either the Gas 1 or Metal Process Furnace subcategory with heat input capacity of 10 million Btu per hour or greater Conduct a tune-up of the boiler or process heater annually as specified in § 63.7540. 3. An existing boiler or process heater located at a major source facility Must have a one-time energy assessment performed on the major source facility by qualified energy assessor. An energy assessment completed on or after January 1, 2008, that meets or is amended to meet the energy assessment requirements in this table, satisfies the energy assessment requirement. The energy assessment must include: a. A visual inspection of the boiler or process heater system. b. An evaluation of operating characteristics of the facility, specifications of energy using systems, operating and maintenance procedures, and unusual operating constraints, c. An inventory of major energy consuming systems, d. A review of available architectural and engineering plans, facility operation and maintenance procedures and logs, and fuel usage, e. A review of the facility's energy management practices and provide recommendations for improvements consistent with the definition of energy management practices, f. A list of major energy conservation measures, g. A list of the energy savings potential of the energy conservation measures identified, and h. A comprehensive report detailing the ways to improve efficiency, the cost of specific improvements, benefits, and the time frame for recouping those investments. 4. An existing or new unit subject to emission limits in Tables 1, 2, or 12 of this subpart. Minimize the unit's startup and shutdown periods following the manufacturer's recommended procedures. If manufacturer's recommended procedures are not available, you must follow recommended procedures for a unit of similar design for which manufacturer's recommended procedures are available. As stated in § 63.7500, you must comply with the applicable operating limits:
Table 4 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Operating Limits for Boilers and Process Heaters
If you demonstrate compliance using . . . You must meet these operating limits . . . 1. Wet PM scrubber control Maintain the 12-hour block average pressure drop and the 12-hour block average liquid flow rate at or above the lowest 1-hour average pressure drop and the lowest 1-hour average liquid flow rate, respectively, measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the PM emission limitation according to § 63.7530(b) and Table 7 to this subpart. 2. Wet acid gas (HCl) scrubber control Maintain the 12-hour block average effluent pH at or above the lowest 1-hour average pH and the 12-hour block average liquid flow rate at or above the lowest 1-hour average liquid flow rate measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the HCl emission limitation according to § 63.7530(b) and Table 7 to this subpart. 3. Fabric filter control on units not required to install and operate a PM CEMS a. Maintain opacity to less than or equal to 10 percent opacity (daily block average); or
b. Install and operate a bag leak detection system according to § 63.7525 and operate the fabric filter such that the bag leak detection system alarm does not sound more than 5 percent of the operating time during each 6-month period.4. Electrostatic precipitator control on units not required to install and operate a PM CEMS a. This option is for boilers and process heaters that operate dry control systems (i.e.,an ESP without a wet scrubber). Existing and new boilers and process heaters must maintain opacity to less than or equal to 10 percent opacity (daily block average); or b. This option is only for boilers and process heaters not subject to PM CEMS or continuous compliance with an opacity limit (i.e., COMS). Maintain the minimum total secondary electric power input of the electrostatic precipitator at or above the operating limits established during the performance test according to § 63.7530(b) and Table 7 to this subpart. 5. Dry scrubber or carbon injection control Maintain the minimum sorbent or carbon injection rate as defined in § 63.7575 of this subpart. 6. Any other add-on air pollution control type on units not required to install and operate a PM CEMS This option is for boilers and process heaters that operate dry control systems. Existing and new boilers and process heaters must maintain opacity to less than or equal to 10 percent opacity (daily block average). 7. Fuel analysis Maintain the fuel type or fuel mixture such that the applicable emission rates calculated according to § 63.7530(c)(1), (2) and/or (3) is less than the applicable emission limits. 8. Performance testing For boilers and process heaters that demonstrate compliance with a performance test, maintain the operating load of each unit such that is does not exceed 110 percent of the average operating load recorded during the most recent performance test. 9. Continuous Oxygen Monitoring System For boilers and process heaters subject to a carbon monoxide emission limit that demonstrate compliance with an O2CEMS as specified in § 63.7525(a), maintain the oxygen level of the stack gas such that it is not below the lowest hourly average oxygen concentration measured during the most recent CO performance test. As stated in § 63.7520, you must comply with the following requirements for performance testing for existing, new or reconstructed affected sources:
Table 5 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Performance Testing Requirements
To conduct a performance test for the following pollutant... You must... Using... 1. Particulate Matter a. Select sampling ports location and the number of traverse points
b. Determine velocity and volumetric flow-rate of the stack gas.Method 1 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 of this chapter.
Method 2, 2F, or 2G at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 or A-2 to part 60 of this chapter.c. Determine oxygen or carbon dioxide concentration of the stack gas Method 3A or 3B at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-2 to part 60 of this chapter, or ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981.a d. Measure the moisture content of the stack gas Method 4 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 of this chapter. e. Measure the particulate matter emission concentration Method 5 or 17 (positive pressure fabric filters must use Method 5D) at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 or A-6 of this chapter. f. Convert emissions concentration to lb per MMBtu emission rates Method 19 F-factor methodology at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7 of this chapter. 2. Hydrogen chloride a. Select sampling ports location and the number of traverse points Method 1 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 of this chapter. b. Determine velocity and volumetric flow-rate of the stack gas Method 2, 2F, or 2G at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-2 of this chapter. c. Determine oxygen or carbon dioxide concentration of the stack gas Method 3A or 3B at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-2 of this chapter, or ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981.a d. Measure the moisture content of the stack gas Method 4 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 of this chapter. e. Measure the hydrogen chloride emission concentration Method 26 or 26A (M26 or M26A) at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8 of this chapter. f. Convert emissions concentration to lb per MMBtu emission rates Method 19 F-factor methodology at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7 of this chapter. 3. Mercury a. Select sampling ports location and the number of traverse points Method 1 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 of this chapter. b. Determine velocity and volumetric flow-rate of the stack gas Method 2, 2F, or 2G at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 or A-2 of this chapter. c. Determine oxygen or carbon dioxide concentration of the stack gas Method 3A or 3B at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 of this chapter, or ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981.a d. Measure the moisture content of the stack gas Method 4 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 of this chapter. e. Measure the mercury emission concentration Method 29, 30A, or 30B (M29, M30A, or M30B) at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-8 of this chapter or Method 101A at 40 CFR part 60, appendix B of this chapter, or ASTM Method D6784.a f. Convert emissions concentration to lb per MMBtu emission rates Method 19 F-factor methodology at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7 of this chapter. 4. CO a. Select the sampling ports location and the number of traverse points Method 1 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 of this chapter. b. Determine oxygen concentration of the stack gas Method 3A or 3B at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 of this chapter, or ASTM D6522-00 (Reapproved 2005), or ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981.a c. Measure the moisture content of the stack gas Method 4 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 of this chapter. d. Measure the CO emission concentration Method 10 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-4 of this chapter. Use a span value of 2 times the concentration of the applicable emission limit. 5. Dioxins/Furans a. Select the sampling ports location and the number of traverse points Method 1 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-1 of this chapter. b. Determine oxygen concentration of the stack gas Method 3A or 3B at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 of this chapter, or ASTM D6522-00 (Reapproved 2005),aor ANSI/ASME PTC 19.10-1981.a c. Measure the moisture content of the stack gas Method 4 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-3 of this chapter. d. Measure the dioxins/furans emission concentration Method 23 at 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7 of this chapter. e. Multiply the measured dioxins/furans emission concentration by the appropriate toxic equivalency factor Table 11 of this subpart. a Incorporated by reference, see § 63.14.
As stated in § 63.7521, you must comply with the following requirements for fuel analysis testing for existing, new or reconstructed affected sources. However, equivalent methods (as defined in § 63.7575) may be used in lieu of the prescribed methods at the discretion of the source owner or operator:
Table 6 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Fuel Analysis Requirements
To conduct a fuel
analysis for the following
pollutant . . .You must . . . Using . . . 1. Mercury a. Collect fuel samples Procedure in § 63.7521(c) or ASTM D2234/D2234M a(for coal) or ASTM D6323 a(for biomass), or equivalent. b. Composite fuel samples Procedure in § 63.7521(d) or equivalent. c. Prepare composited fuel samples EPA SW-846-3050B a(for solid samples), EPA SW-846-3020A a(for liquid samples), ASTM D2013/D2013M a(for coal), ASTM D5198 a(for biomass), or equivalent. d. Determine heat content of the fuel type ASTM D5865 a(for coal) or ASTM E711 a(for biomass), or equivalent. e. Determine moisture content of the fuel type ASTM D3173 aor ASTM E871,aor equivalent. f. Measure mercury concentration in fuel sample ASTM D6722 a(for coal), EPA SW-846-7471B a(for solid samples), or EPA SW-846-7470A a(for liquid samples), or equivalent. g. Convert concentration into units of pounds of pollutant per MMBtu of heat content 2. Hydrogen Chloride a. Collect fuel samples Procedure in § 63.7521(c) or ASTM D2234/D2234M a(for coal) or ASTM D6323 a(for biomass), or equivalent. b. Composite fuel samples Procedure in § 63.7521(d) or equivalent. c. Prepare composited fuel samples EPA SW-846-3050B a(for solid samples), EPA SW-846-3020A a(for liquid samples), ASTM D2013/D2013M a(for coal), or ASTM D5198 a(for biomass), or equivalent. d. Determine heat content of the fuel type ASTM D5865 a(for coal) or ASTM E711 a(for biomass), or equivalent. e. Determine moisture content of the fuel type ASTM D3173 aor ASTM E871,aor equivalent. f. Measure chlorine concentration in fuel sample EPA SW-846-9250,aASTM D6721 a(for coal), or ASTM E776 a(for biomass), or equivalent. g. Convert concentrations into units of pounds of pollutant per MMBtu of heat content 3. Mercury Fuel Specification for other gas 1 fuels a. Measure mercury concentration in the fuel sample
b. Convert concentration to unit of micrograms/cubic meterASTM D5954,a
ASTM D6350,aISO 6978-1:2003(E),aor ISO 6978-2:2003(E) a, or equivalent.4. Hydrogen Sulfide Fuel Specification for other gas 1 fuels a. Measure total hydrogen sulfide
b. Convert to ppmASTM D4084a or equivalent. a Incorporated by reference, see § 63.14.
As stated in § 63.7520, you must comply with the following requirements for establishing operating limits:
Table 7 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Establishing Operating Limits
If you have an applicable emission limit for . . . And your operating limits are based on . . . You must . . . Using . . . According to the following requirements 1. Particulate matter or mercury a. Wet scrubber operating parameters i. Establish a site-specific minimum pressure drop and minimum flow rate operating limit according to § 63.7530(b) (1) Data from the pressure drop and liquid flow rate monitors and the particulate matter or mercury performance test (a) You must collect pressure drop and liquid flow rate data every 15 minutes during the entire period of the performance tests; (b) Determine the lowest hourly average pressure drop and liquid flow rate by computing the hourly averages using all of the 15-minute readings taken during each performance test. b. Electrostatic precipitator operating parameters (option only for units that operate wet scrubbers) i. Establish a site-specific minimum total secondary electric power input according to § 63.7530(b) (1) Data from the voltage and secondary amperage monitors during the particulate matter or mercury performance test (a) You must collect secondary voltage and secondary amperage for each ESP cell and calculate total secondary electric power input data every 15 minutes during the entire period of the performance tests; (b) Determine the average total secondary electric power input by computing the hourly averages using all of the 15-minute readings taken during each performance test. 2. Hydrogen Chloride a. Wet scrubber operating parameters i. Establish site-specific minimum pressure drop, effluent pH, and flow rate operating limits according to § 63.7530(b) (1) Data from the pressure drop, pH, and liquid flow-rate monitors and the hydrogen chloride performance test (a) You must collect pH and liquid flow-rate data every 15 minutes during the entire period of the performance tests; (b) Determine the hourly average pH and liquid flow rate by computing the hourly averages using all of the 15-minute readings taken during each performance test. b. Dry scrubber operating parameters i. Establish a site-specific minimum sorbent injection rate operating limit according to § 63.7530(b). If different acid gas sorbents are used during the hydrogen chloride performance test, the average value for each sorbent becomes the site-specific operating limit for that sorbent (1) Data from the sorbent injection rate monitors and hydrogen chloride or mercury performance test (a) You must collect sorbent injection rate data every 15 minutes during the entire period of the performance tests;
(b) Determine the hourly average sorbent injection rate by computing the hourly averages using all of the 15-minute readings taken during each performance test.(c) Determine the lowest hourly average of the three test run averages established during the performance test as your operating limit. When your unit operates at lower loads, multiply your sorbent injection rate by the load fraction (e.g., for 50 percent load, multiply the injection rate operating limit by 0.5) to determine the required injection rate. 3. Mercury and dioxins/furans a. Activated carbon injection i. Establish a site-specific minimum activated carbon injection rate operating limit according to § 63.7530(b) (1) Data from the activated carbon rate monitors and mercury and dioxins/furans performance tests (a) You must collect activated carbon injection rate data every 15 minutes during the entire period of the performance tests; (b) Determine the hourly average activated carbon injection rate by computing the hourly averages using all of the 15-minute readings taken during each performance test. (c) Determine the lowest hourly average established during the performance test as your operating limit. When your unit operates at lower loads, multiply your activated carbon injection rate by the load fraction (e.g., actual heat input divided by heat input during performance test, for 50 percent load, multiply the injection rate operating limit by 0.5) to determine the required injection rate. 4. Carbon monoxide a. Oxygen i. Establish a unit-specific limit for minimum oxygen level according to § 63.7520 (1) Data from the oxygen monitor specified in § 63.7525(a) (a) You must collect oxygen data every 15 minutes during the entire period of the performance tests; (b) Determine the hourly average oxygen concentration by computing the hourly averages using all of the 15-minute readings taken during each performance test. (c) Determine the lowest hourly average established during the performance test as your minimum operating limit. 5. Any pollutant for which compliance is demonstrated by a performance test a. Boiler or process heater operating load i. Establish a unit specific limit for maximum operating load according to § 63.7520(c) (1) Data from the operating load monitors or from steam generation monitors (a) You must collect operating load or steam generation data every 15 minutes during the entire period of the performance test. (b) Determine the average operating load by computing the hourly averages using all of the 15-minute readings taken during each performance test. (c) Determine the average of the three test run averages during the performance test, and multiply this by 1.1 (110 percent) as your operating limit. As stated in § 63.7540, you must show continuous compliance with the emission limitations for affected sources according to the following:
Table 8 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Demonstrating Continuous Compliance
If you must meet the following operating limits or work practice standards . . . You must demonstrate continuous compliance by . . . 1. Opacity a. Collecting the opacity monitoring system data according to § 63.7525(c) and § 63.7535; and b. Reducing the opacity monitoring data to 6-minute averages; and c. Maintaining opacity to less than or equal to 10 percent (daily block average). 2. Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Operation Installing and operating a bag leak detection system according to § 63.7525 and operating the fabric filter such that the requirements in § 63.7540(a)(9) are met. 3. Wet Scrubber Pressure Drop and Liquid Flow-rate a. Collecting the pressure drop and liquid flow rate monitoring system data according to §§ 63.7525 and 63.7535; and b. Reducing the data to 12-hour block averages; and c. Maintaining the 12-hour average pressure drop and liquid flow-rate at or above the operating limits established during the performance test according to § 63.7530(b). 4. Wet Scrubber pH a. Collecting the pH monitoring system data according to §§ 63.7525 and 63.7535; and b. Reducing the data to 12-hour block averages; and c. Maintaining the 12-hour average pH at or above the operating limit established during the performance test according to § 63.7530(b). 5. Dry Scrubber Sorbent or Carbon Injection Rate a. Collecting the sorbent or carbon injection rate monitoring system data for the dry scrubber according to §§ 63.7525 and 63.7535; and b. Reducing the data to 12-hour block averages; and c. Maintaining the 12-hour average sorbent or carbon injection rate at or above the minimum sorbent or carbon injection rate as defined in § 63.7575. 6. Electrostatic Precipitator Total Secondary Electric Power Input a. Collecting the total secondary electric power input monitoring system data for the electrostatic precipitator according to §§ 63.7525 and 63.7535; and b. Reducing the data to 12-hour block averages; and c. Maintaining the 12-hour average total secondary electric power input at or above the operating limits established during the performance test according to § 63.7530(b). 7. Fuel Pollutant Content a. Only burning the fuel types and fuel mixtures used to demonstrate compliance with the applicable emission limit according to § 63.7530(b) or (c) as applicable; and b. Keeping monthly records of fuel use according to § 63.7540(a). 8. Oxygen content a. Continuously monitor the oxygen content in the combustion exhaust according to § 63.7525(a). b. Reducing the data to 12-hour block averages; and c. Maintain the 12-hour block average oxygen content in the exhaust at or above the lowest hourly average oxygen level measured during the most recent carbon monoxide performance test. 9. Boiler or process heater operating load a. Collecting operating load data or steam generation data every 15 minutes. b. Reducing the data to 12-hour block averages; and c. Maintaining the 12-hour average operating load at or below the operating limit established during the performance test according to § 63.7520(c). As stated in § 63.7550, you must comply with the following requirements for reports:
Table 9 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Reporting Requirements
You must submit a(n) The report must contain . . . You must submit the report . . . 1. Compliance report a. Information required in § 63.7550(c)(1) through (12); and Semiannually, annually, or biennially according to the requirements in § 63.7550(b). b. If there are no deviations from any emission limitation (emission limit and operating limit) that applies to you and there are no deviations from the requirements for work practice standards in Table 3 to this subpart that apply to you, a statement that there were no deviations from the emission limitations and work practice standards during the reporting period. If there were no periods during which the CMSs, including continuous emissions monitoring system, continuous opacity monitoring system, and operating parameter monitoring systems, were out-of-control as specified in § 63.8(c)(7), a statement that there were no periods during which the CMSs were out-of-control during the reporting period; and c. If you have a deviation from any emission limitation (emission limit and operating limit) where you are not using a CMS to comply with that emission limit or operating limit, or a deviation from a work practice standard during the reporting period, the report must contain the information in § 63.7550(d); and d. If there were periods during which the CMSs, including continuous emissions monitoring system, continuous opacity monitoring system, and operating parameter monitoring systems, were out-of-control as specified in § 63.8(c)(7), or otherwise not operating, the report must contain the information in § 63.7550(e) As stated in § 63.7565, you must comply with the applicable General Provisions according to the following:
Table 10 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart DDDDD
Citation Subject Applies to subpart DDDDD § 63.1 Applicability Yes. § 63.2 Definitions Yes. Additional terms defined in § 63.7575 § 63.3 Units and Abbreviations Yes. § 63.4 Prohibited Activities and Circumvention Yes. § 63.5 Preconstruction Review and Notification Requirements Yes. § 63.6(a), (b)(1)-(b)(5), (b)(7), (c) Compliance with Standards and Maintenance Requirements Yes. § 63.6(e)(1)(i) General duty to minimize emissions. No. See § 63.7500(a)(3) for the general duty requirement. § 63.6(e)(1)(ii) Requirement to correct malfunctions as soon as practicable. No. § 63.6(e)(3) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan requirements. No. § 63.6(f)(1) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction exemptions for compliance with non-opacity emission standards. No. § 63.6(f)(2) and (3) Compliance with non-opacity emission standards. Yes. § 63.6(g) Use of alternative standards Yes. § 63.6(h)(1) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction exemptions to opacity standards. No. See § 63.7500(a). § 63.6(h)(2) to (h)(9) Determining compliance with opacity emission standards Yes. § 63.6(i) Extension of compliance. Yes. § 63.6(j) Presidential exemption. Yes. § 63.7(a), (b), (c), and (d) Performance Testing Requirements Yes. § 63.7(e)(1) Conditions for conducting performance tests. No. Subpart DDDDD specifies conditions for conducting performance tests at § 63.7520(a). § 63.7(e)(2)-(e)(9), (f), (g), and (h) Performance Testing Requirements Yes. § 63.8(a) and (b) Applicability and Conduct of Monitoring Yes. § 63.8(c)(1) Operation and maintenance of CMS Yes. § 63.8(c)(1)(i) General duty to minimize emissions and CMS operation No. See § 63.7500(a)(3). § 63.8(c)(1)(ii) Operation and maintenance of CMS Yes. § 63.8(c)(1)(iii) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction plans for CMS No. § 63.8(c)(2) to (c)(9) Operation and maintenance of CMS Yes. § 63.8(d)(1) and (2) Monitoring Requirements, Quality Control Program Yes. § 63.8(d)(3) Written procedures for CMS Yes, except for the last sentence, which refers to a startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan. Startup, shutdown, and malfunction plans are not required. § 63.8(e) Performance evaluation of a CMS Yes. § 63.8(f) Use of an alternative monitoring method. Yes. 63.8(g) Reduction of monitoring data. Yes. § 63.9 Notification Requirements Yes. § 63.10(a), (b)(1) Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements Yes. § 63.10(b)(2)(i) Recordkeeping of occurrence and duration of startups or shutdowns Yes. § 63.10(b)(2)(ii) Recordkeeping of malfunctions No. See § 63.7555(d)(7) for recordkeeping of occurrence and duration and § 63.7555(d)(8) for actions taken during malfunctions. § 63.10(b)(2)(iii) Maintenance records Yes. § 63.10(b)(2)(iv) and (v) Actions taken to minimize emissions during startup, shutdown, or malfunction No. § 63.10(b)(2)(vi) Recordkeeping for CMS malfunctions Yes. § 63.10(b)(2)(vii) to (xiv) Other CMS requirements Yes. § 63.10(b)(3) Recordkeeping requirements for applicability determinations No. § 63.10(c)(1) to (9) Recordkeeping for sources with CMS Yes. § 63.10(c)(10) and (11) Recording nature and cause of malfunctions, and corrective actions No. See § 63.7555(d)(7) for recordkeeping of occurrence and duration and § 63.7555(d)(8) for actions taken during malfunctions. § 63.10(c)(12) and (13) Recordkeeping for sources with CMS Yes. § 63.10(c)(15) Use of startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan No. § 63.10(d)(1) and (2) General reporting requirements Yes. § 63.10(d)(3) Reporting opacity or visible emission observation results No. § 63.10(d)(4) Progress reports under an extension of compliance Yes. § 63.10(d)(5) Startup, shutdown, and malfunction reports No. See § 63.7550(c)(11) for malfunction reporting requirements. § 63.10(e) and (f) Yes. § 63.11 Control Device Requirements No. § 63.12 State Authority and Delegation Yes. § 63.13-63.16 Addresses, Incorporation by Reference, Availability of Information, Performance Track Provisions Yes. § 63.1(a)(5),(a)(7)-(a)(9), (b)(2), (c)(3)-(4), (d), 63.6(b)(6), (c)(3), (c)(4), (d), (e)(2), (e)(3)(ii), (h)(3), (h)(5)(iv), 63.8(a)(3), 63.9(b)(3), (h)(4), 63.10(c)(2)-(4), (c)(9). Reserved No. Table 11 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins/Furans
Dioxin/furan congener Toxic equivalency
factor2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin 1 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin 1 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin 0.1 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin 0.1 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin 0.1 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin 0.01 octachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin 0.0003 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzofuran 0.1 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran 0.3 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorinated dibenzofuran 0.03 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran 0.1 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran 0.1 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran 0.1 2,3,4,6,7,8-hexachlorinated dibenzofuran 0.1 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptachlorinated dibenzofuran 0.01 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-heptachlorinated dibenzofuran 0.01 octachlorinated dibenzofuran 0.0003 Table 12 to Subpart DDDDD of Part 63—Alternative Emission Limits for New or Reconstructed Boilers and Process Heaters That Commenced Construction or Reconstruction After June 4, 2010, and Before May 20, 2011
If your boiler or process heater is in this subcategory For the following pollutants The emissions must not exceed the following emission limits, except during periods of startup and shutdown Using this specified sampling volume or test run duration 1. Units in all subcategories designed to burn solid fuel a. Mercury 3.5E-06 lb per MMBtu of heat input For M29, collect a minimum of 2 dscm per run; for M30A or M30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in the method; for ASTM D6784 acollect a minimum of 2 dscm. 2. Units in all subcategories designed to burn solid fuel that combust at least 10 percent biomass/bio-based solids on an annual heat input basis and less than 10 percent coal/solid fossil fuels on an annual heat input basis a. Particulate Matter 0.008 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.004 lb per MMBtu of heat input For M26A, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. 3. Units in all subcategories designed to burn solid fuel that combust at least 10 percent coal/solid fossil fuels on an annual heat input basis and less than 10 percent biomass/bio-based solids on an annual heat input basis a. Particulate Matter 0.0011 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) Collect a minimum of 3 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.0022 lb per MMBtu of heat input For M26A, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. 4. Units designed to burn pulverized coal/solid fossil fuel a. CO 90 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.003 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 5. Stokers designed to burn coal/solid fossil fuel a. CO 7 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.003 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 6. Fluidized bed units designed to burn coal/solid fossil fuel a. CO 30 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.002 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 7. Stokers designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids a. CO 560 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.005 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 8. Fluidized bed units designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids a. CO 260 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.02 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 9. Suspension burners/Dutch Ovens designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids a. CO 1,010 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.2 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 10. Fuel cells designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids a. CO 470 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.003 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 11. Hybrid suspension/grate units designed to burn biomass/bio-based solids a. CO 1,500 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. b. Dioxins/Furans 0.2 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 12. Units designed to burn liquid fuel a. Particulate Matter 0.002 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) Collect a minimum of 2 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.0032 lb per MMBtu of heat input For M26A, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. c. Mercury 3.0E-07 lb per MMBtu of heat input For M29, collect a minimum of 2 dscm per run; for M30A or M30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in the method; for ASTM D6784 acollect a minimum of 2 dscm. d. CO 3 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. e. Dioxins/Furans 0.002 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 13. Units designed to burn liquid fuel located in non-continental States and territories a. Particulate Matter 0.002 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) Collect a minimum of 2 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.0032 lb per MMBtu of heat input For M26A, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. c. Mercury 7.8E-07 lb per MMBtu of heat input For M29, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M30A or M30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in the method; for ASTM D6784 acollect a minimum of 2 dscm. d. CO 51 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. e. Dioxins/Furans 0.002 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. 14. Units designed to burn gas 2 (other) gases a. Particulate Matter 0.0067 lb per MMBtu of heat input (30-day rolling average for units 250 MMBtu/hr or greater, 3-run average for units less than 250 MMBtu/hr) Collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run. b. Hydrogen Chloride 0.0017 lb per MMBtu of heat input For M26A, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M26, collect a minimum of 60 liters per run. c. Mercury 7.9E-06 lb per MMBtu of heat input For M29, collect a minimum of 1 dscm per run; for M30A or M30B, collect a minimum sample as specified in the method; for ASTM D6784 acollect a minimum of 2 dscm. d. CO 3 ppm by volume on a dry basis corrected to 3 percent oxygen 1 hr minimum sampling time. e. Dioxins/Furans 0.08 ng/dscm (TEQ) corrected to 7 percent oxygen Collect a minimum of 4 dscm per run. a Incorporated by reference, see § 63.14.