Table 7 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63 - Default Organic HAP Mass Fraction for Petroleum Solvent Groups a  

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  • Table 7 to Subpart KKKK of Part 63 - Default Organic HAP Mass Fraction for Petroleum Solvent Groupsa

    You may use the mass fraction values in the following table for solvent blends for which you do not have test data or manufacturer's formulation data.

    Solvent type Average
    organic HAP
    mass fraction
    organic HAP,
    percent by mass
    Aliphaticb 0.03 1% Xylene, 1% toluene, and 1% ehylbenzene.
    Aromaticc 0.06 4% Xylene, 1% toluene, and 1% ethylbenzene.