Table 2 to Subpart S - Isothermal Cooking System Operational Values  

Latest version.
  • ParameterInstrument numberLimitUnitsDigester Dilution FactorK1DILFAC>0.0NoneDifference in Digester Vapor Zone Temperature and Digester03TI0311<10Degrees F.Extraction Header Temperature03TI0329

    (iii) The owner or operator shall certify annually the operational status of the isothermal cooking system.

    (4) [Reserved]

    (5) Definitions. All descriptions and references to equipment and emission unit ID numbers refer to equipment at the Site. All terms used in this paragraph shall have the meaning given them in this part and this paragraph. For the purposes of this paragraph only the following additional definitions apply:

    Boilout tank means the tank that provides tank storage capacity for recovery of black liquor spills and evaporator water washes for return to the evaporators (emission unit ID No. U606);

    Brownstock diffusion washer means the equipment used to wash pulp from the surge chests to further reduce lignin carryover in the pulp;

    Continuous digester means the digester system used to chemically and thermally remove the lignin binding the wood chips to produce individual pulp fibers (emission unit ID No. P300);

    Fifty percent solids black liquor storage tank means the tank used to store intermediate black liquor prior to final evaporation in the 1A, 1B, and 1C Concentrators (emission unit ID No. U605);

    First stage brownstock diffusion washer means the equipment that receives and stores filtrate from the first stage of washing for return to the pressure diffusion washer;

    Isothermal cooking system means the 1995-1996 modernization of brownstock pulping process including conversion of the Kamyr continuous vapor phase digester to an extended delignification unit and changes in the knotting, screening, and oxygen stage systems:

    NaSH storage tank means the tank used to store sodium hydrosulfite solution prior to use as make-up to the liquor system

    North sixty-seven percent solids black liquor storage tank means one of two tanks used to store black liquor prior to burning in the Recovery Boiler for chemical recovery (emission unit ID No. U501);

    Precipitator make down tank numbers one, two and three mean tanks used to mix collected particulate from electrostatic precipitator chamber number one with 67% black liquor for recycle to chemical recovery in the Recovery Boiler (emission unit ID Nos. U504, U505 and U506);

    Salt cake mix tank means the tank used to mix collected particulate from economizer hoppers with black liquor for recycle to chemical recovery in the Recovery Boiler (emission unit ID No. U503);

    South sixty-seven percent solids black liquor storage tank means one of two tanks used to store black liquor prior to burning in the Recovery Boiler for chemical recovery (emission unit ID No. U502);

    Utility tank means the tank used to store fifty percent liquor and, during black liquor tank inspections and repairs, to serve as a backup liquor storage tank (emission unit ID No. U611);

    Weak gas system means high volume, low concentration or HVLC system as defined in § 63.441; and

    Weak liquor storage tank means the tank that provide surge capacity for weak black liquor from digesting prior to feed to multiple effect evaporators (emission unit ID No. U610).

    (b) [Reserved]