Code of Federal Regulations (Last Updated: November 8, 2024) |
Title 40 - Protection of Environment |
Chapter I—Environmental Protection Agency |
SubChapter U—Air Pollution Controls |
Part 1037 - Control of Emissions from New Heavy-Duty Motor Vehicles |
Appendix D to Part 1037 - —Heavy-Duty Grade Profile for Steady-State Test Cycles
Latest version.
Appendix D to Part 1037—Heavy-Duty Grade Profile for Phase 2 Steady-State Test Cycles
The following table identifies a grade profile for operating vehicles over the highway cruise cycles specified in subpart F of this part. Determine intermediate values by linear interpolation.
[86 FR 34497, June 29, 2021. Redesignated at 88 FR 4658, Jan. 24, 2023Distance
(%)0 0 402 0 804 0.5 1206 0 1210 0 1222 −0.10 1234 0 1244 0 1294 0.36 1344 0 1354 0 1408 −0.28 1504 −1.04 1600 −0.28 1654 0 1666 0 1792 0.39 1860 0.66 1936 1.15 2098 2.44 2260 1.15 2336 0.66 2404 0.39 2530 0 2548 0 2732 −0.46 2800 −0.69 2880 −1.08 2948 −1.53 3100 −2.75 3252 −1.53 3320 −1.08 3400 −0.69 3468 −0.46 3652 0 3666 0 3742 0.35 3818 0.90 3904 1.59 3990 0.90 4066 0.35 4142 0 4158 0 4224 −0.10 4496 −0.69 4578 −0.97 4664 −1.36 4732 −1.78 4916 −3.23 5100 −1.78 5168 −1.36 5254 −0.97 5336 −0.69 5608 −0.10 5674 0 5724 0 5808 0.10 5900 0.17 6122 0.38 6314 0.58 6454 0.77 6628 1.09 6714 1.29 6838 1.66 6964 2.14 7040 2.57 7112 3.00 7164 3.27 7202 3.69 7292 5.01 7382 3.69 7420 3.27 7472 3.00 7544 2.57 7620 2.14 7746 1.66 7870 1.29 7956 1.09 8130 0.77 8270 0.58 8462 0.38 8684 0.17 8776 0.10 8860 0 8904 0 9010 −0.38 9070 −0.69 9254 −2.13 9438 −0.69 9498 −0.38 9604 0 9616 0 9664 0.26 9718 0.70 9772 0.26 9820 0 9830 0 9898 −0.34 10024 −1.33 10150 −0.34 10218 0 10228 0 10316 0.37 10370 0.70 10514 1.85 10658 0.70 10712 0.37 10800 0 10812 0 10900 −0.37 10954 −0.7 11098 −1.85 11242 −0.70 11296 −0.37 11384 0 11394 0 11462 0.34 11588 1.33 11714 0.34 11782 0 11792 0 11840 −0.26 11894 −0.70 11948 −0.26 11996 0 12008 0 12114 0.38 12174 0.69 12358 2.13 12542 0.69 12602 0.38 12708 0 12752 0 12836 −0.10 12928 −0.17 13150 −0.38 13342 −0.58 13482 −0.77 13656 −1.09 13742 −1.29 13866 −1.66 13992 −2.14 14068 −2.57 14140 −3.00 14192 −3.27 14230 −3.69 14320 −5.01 14410 −3.69 14448 −3.27 14500 −3.00 14572 −2.57 14648 −2.14 14774 −1.66 14898 −1.29 14984 −1.09 15158 −0.77 15298 −0.58 15490 −0.38 15712 −0.17 15804 −0.10 15888 0 15938 0 16004 0.10 16276 0.69 16358 0.97 16444 1.36 16512 1.78 16696 3.23 16880 1.78 16948 1.36 17034 0.97 17116 0.69 17388 0.10 17454 0 17470 0 17546 −0.35 17622 −0.90 17708 −1.59 17794 −0.90 17870 −0.35 17946 0 17960 0 18144 0.46 18212 0.69 18292 1.08 18360 1.53 18512 2.75 18664 1.53 18732 1.08 18812 0.69 18880 0.46 19064 0 19082 0 19208 −0.39 19276 −0.66 19352 −1.15 19514 −2.44 19676 −1.15 19752 −0.66 19820 −0.39 19946 0 19958 0 20012 0.28 20108 1.04 20204 0.28 20258 0 20268 0 20318 −0.36 20368 0 20378 0 20390 0.10 20402 0 20406 0 20808 −0.50 21210 0 21612 0 [89 FR 29793, Apr. 22, 2024]