§ 1060.255 - What decisions may EPA make regarding a certificate of conformity?

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  • § 1060.255 What decisions may EPA make regarding my a certificate of conformity?

    (a) If we determine your an application is complete and shows that the emission family meets all the requirements of this part and the Clean Air Act, we will issue a certificate of conformity for your the emission family for that production period. We may make the approval subject to additional conditions.

    (b) We may deny your an application for certification if we determine that your an emission family fails to comply with emission standards or other requirements of this part or the Clean Air Act. We will base our decision on all available information. If we deny your an application, we will explain why in writing.

    (c) In addition, we may deny your application or suspend or revoke your a certificate of conformity if you do any of the following:

    (1) Refuse to comply with any testing or reporting requirements in this part.

    (2) Submit false or incomplete information (paragraph (e) of this section applies if this is fraudulent).

    (3) Render inaccurate any test data

    . This includes doing anything after submitting an application that causes submitted information to be false or incomplete.

    (3) Cause any test data to become inaccurate.

    (4) Deny us from completing authorized activities despite our presenting a warrant or court order (see 40 CFR 1068.20). This includes a failure to provide reasonable assistance.

    (5) Produce equipment or components for importation into the United States at a location where local law prohibits us from carrying out authorized activities.

    (6) Fail to supply requested information or amend your an application to include all equipment or components being produced.

    (7) Take any action that otherwise circumvents the intent of the Clean Air Act or this part.

    (d) We may void your a certificate of conformity if you do not fail to keep the records we require or do not give us information when we ask for it.


    records, send reports, or give us information as required under this part or the Clean Air Act. Note that these are also violations of 40 CFR 1068.101(a)(2).

    (e) We may void your a certificate of conformity if we find that you intentionally submitted false or incomplete information. This includes doing anything after submitting an application that causes submitted information to be false or incomplete.

    (f) If we deny your an application or suspend, revoke, or void your a certificate of conformity, you may ask for a hearing (see § 1060.820).

    [86 FR 34530, June 29, 2021]