Subpart D - Calibrations and Verifications  

§ 1065.301 - Overview and general provisions.
§ 1065.303 - Summary of required calibration and verifications.
§ 1065.305 - Verifications for accuracy, repeatability, and noise.
§ 1065.307 - Linearity verification.
§ 1065.308 - Continuous gas analyzer system-response and updating-recording verification - for gas analyzers not continuously compensated for other gas species.
§ 1065.309 - Continuous gas analyzer system-response and updating-recording verification - for gas analyzers continuously compensated for other gas species.
H2O Measurements
§ 1065.357 - CO2 interference verification for H2O FTIR analyzers.
NOX and N2O Measurements
§ 1065.370 - CLD CO2 and H2O quench verification.
§ 1065.376 - Chiller NO2 penetration.
CO and CO2 Measurements
NOX and N2O Measurements
§ 1065.372 - NDUV analyzer HC and H2O interference verification.
§ 1065.375 - Interference verification for N2O analyzers.
§ 1065.377 - Interference verification for NH3 analyzers.
§ 1065.378 - NO2-to-NO converter conversion verification.
Flow-Related Measurements
§ 1065.320 - Fuel-flow calibration.
§ 1065.325 - Intake-flow calibration.
§ 1065.330 - Exhaust-flow calibration.
§ 1065.340 - Diluted exhaust flow (CVS) calibration.
§ 1065.341 - CVS and PFD flow verification (propane check).
§ 1065.342 - Sample dryer verification.
§ 1065.345 - Vacuum-side leak verification.
Co and CO2 Measurements
§ 1065.350 - H2O interference verification for CO2 NDIR analyzers.
§ 1065.355 - H2O and CO2 interference verification for CO NDIR analyzers.
Measurement of Engine Parameters and Ambient Conditions
§ 1065.310 - Torque calibration.
§ 1065.315 - Pressure, temperature, and dewpoint calibration.
Hydrocarbon Measurements
§ 1065.360 - FID optimization and verification.
§ 1065.362 - Non-stoichiometric raw exhaust FID O2 interference verification.
§ 1065.365 - Nonmethane cutter penetration fractions and NMC FID response factors.
§ 1065.366 - Interference verification for FTIR analyzers.
§ 1065.369 - H2O, CO, and CO2 interference verification for photoacoustic alcohol analyzers.
NOX Measurements
PM Measurements
§ 1065.390 - PM balance verifications and weighing process verification.
§ 1065.395 - Inertial PM balance verifications.