§ 1066.705 - Symbols, abbreviations, acronyms, and units of measure.  

Latest version.
  • The procedures in this part generally follow either the International System of Units (SI) or the United States customary units, as detailed in NIST Special Publication 811, which we incorporate by reference in §1066.710. See 40 CFR 1065.20 for specific provisions related to these conventions. This section summarizes the way we use symbols, units of measure, and other abbreviations.

    (a) Symbols for quantities. This part uses the following symbols and units of measure for various quantities:

    SymbolQuantityUnitUnit symbolUnit in terms of SI base units
    aaccelerationfeet per second squared or meters per second squaredft/s2 or m/s2m·s−2
    Fforcepound force or newtonlbf or Nkg·s−2
    Iinertiapound mass or kilogramlbm or kgkg
    iindexing variable
    Mmasspound mass or kilogramlbm or kgkg
    Ntotal number in series
    ntotal number of pulses in a series
    Rdynamometer roll revolutionsrevolutions per minuterpm2·π·60−1·  m·m−1·s−1
    RLroad-load coefficienthorsepower or kilowatthp or kW103·m2·kg·s−3
    Sspeedmiles per hour or meters per secondmph or m/sm·s−1
    TCelsius temperaturedegree Celsius°CK-273.15
    Ttorque (moment of force)newton meterN·mm2·kg·s−2
    Δttime interval, period, 1/frequencysecondss
    ygeneric variable

    (b) Symbols for chemical species. This part uses the following symbols for chemical species and exhaust constituents:

    COcarbon monoxide
    CO2carbon dioxide
    NMHCnonmethane hydrocarbon
    NMHCEnonmethane hydrocarbon equivalent
    NOnitric oxide
    NO2nitrogen dioxide
    NOXoxides of nitrogen
    N2Onitrous oxide
    O2molecular oxygen
    PMparticulate mass
    THCtotal hydrocarbon
    THCEtotal hydrocarbon equivalent

    (c) Superscripts. This part uses the following superscripts to define a quantity:

    overbar (such as) yarithmetic mean

    (d) Subscripts. This part uses the following subscripts to define a quantity:

    intspeed interval
    absabsolute quantity
    actactual or measured condition
    actintactual or measured condition over the speed interval
    expexpected quantity
    ian individual of a series
    initinitial quantity, typically before an emission test
    maxthe maximum (i.e., peak) value expected at the standard over a test interval; not the maximum of an instrument range
    measmeasured quantity
    refreference quantity
    rolldynamometer roll
    satsaturated condition
    sispeed interval
    spanspan quantity
    testtest quantity
    uncoruncorrected quantity
    zerozero quantity

    (e) Other acronyms and abbreviations. This part uses the following additional abbreviations and acronyms:

    CFRCode of Federal Regulations
    EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
    FIDflame-ionization detector
    GVWRgross vehicle weight rating
    NISTNational Institute for Standards and Technology
    RESSrechargeable energy storage system
    SAESociety of Automotive Engineers
    U.S.C.United States Code