§ 1068.630 - Request for hearing - allowable maintenance.  

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    § 1068.630 xxx

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    Request for hearing - allowable maintenance.

    (a) Any manufacturer may request an informal hearing as described in § 1068.650 in response to our decision to identify allowable maintenance associated with new technology as part of the certification process.

    (b) You must send your hearing request in writing to the Designated Compliance Officer no later than 30 days after we publish our decision in the Federal Register. If the deadline passes, we may nevertheless grant you a hearing at our discretion.

    (c) Your hearing request must include the information specified in § 1068.610(d).

    (d) We will approve your request for an informal hearing if we find that your request raises a substantial factual issue in the decision we made that, if addressed differently, could alter the outcome of that decision.

    [88 FR 4718, Jan. 24, 2023

