§ 1090.200 - Overview and general requirements.  

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  • § 1090.200 Overview and general requirements.

    (a) Except as specified in subpart G of this part, gasoline, gasoline additives, and gasoline regulated blendstocks are subject to the standards in this subpart.

    (b) Except for the sulfur average standard in § 1090.205(a) and the benzene average standards in § 1090.210(a) and (b), the standards in this part apply to gasoline, gasoline additives, and gasoline regulated blendstocks on a per-gallon basis. A gasoline manufacturer, gasoline additive manufacturer (e.g., an oxygenate or certified ethanol denaturant producer), or gasoline regulated blendstock producer (e.g., a certified butane or certified pentane producer) must demonstrate compliance with the per-gallon standards in this subpart by measuring fuel parameters in accordance with subpart N of this part.


    (1) Except as specified in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the sulfur average standard in § 1090.205(a) and the benzene average standards in § 1090.210(a) and (b) apply to all gasoline produced or imported by a fuel manufacturer during a compliance period. A fuel manufacturer must demonstrate compliance with average standards by measuring fuel parameters in accordance with subpart N of this part and by determining compliance under subpart H of this part.

    (2) The sulfur average standard in § 1090.205(a) and the benzene average standards in § 1090.210(a) and (b) do not apply to gasoline produced by the following:

    (i) Truck and rail importers using the provisions of § 1090.1610 to meet the alternative per-gallon standards of §§ 1090.205(d) and 1090.210(c).

    (ii) Certified butane blenders.

    (iii) Certified pentane blenders.

    (iv) Transmix blenders.

    (v) Transmix processors that produce gasoline from only TGP or both TGP and PCG.

    (d) No person may produce, import, sell, offer for sale, distribute, offer to distribute, supply, offer for supply, dispense, store, transport, or introduce into commerce any gasoline, gasoline additive, or gasoline regulated blendstock that does not comply with any per-gallon standard set forth in this subpart.

    (e) No person may sell, offer for sale, supply, offer for supply, dispense, transport, or introduce into commerce for use as fuel in any motor vehicle (as defined in Section 216(2) of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7550(2)) any gasoline that is produced with the use of additives containing lead, that contains more than 0.05 gram of lead per gallon, or that contains more than 0.005 grams of phosphorous per gallon.

    (f) No fuel or fuel additive manufacturer may introduce into commerce gasoline or gasoline additives (including oxygenates) that are not “substantially similar” under 42 U.S.C. 7545(f)(1) or permitted under a waiver granted under 42 U.S.C. 7545(f)(4).