§ 1090.90 - Acronyms and abbreviations.  

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  • § 1090.90 Acronyms and abbreviations.

    500 ppm LM diesel fuel As defined in § 1090.80.
    ABT averaging, banking, and trading.
    ARV accepted reference value.
    BOB gasoline before oxygenate blending.
    CARB California Air Resources Board.
    CFR Code of Federal Regulations.
    CG conventional gasoline.
    DFE denatured fuel ethanol.
    E0 As defined in § 1090.80.
    E10 As defined in § 1090.80.
    E15 As defined in § 1090.80.
    ECA marine fuel As defined in § 1090.80.
    EPA Environmental Protection Agency.
    GTAB gasoline treated as blendstock.
    IMO marine fuel As defined in § 1090.80.
    LAC lowest additive concentration.
    LLOQ laboratory limit of quantitation.
    MARPOL Annex VI The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 Annex VI.
    NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
    NARA National Archives and Records Administration.
    NFSP national fuels survey program.
    NGL natural gas liquids.
    NIST National Institute for Standards and Technology.
    NSTOP national sampling and testing oversight program.
    PCG previously certified gasoline.
    PLOQ published limit of quantitation.
    ppm (mg/kg) parts per million (or milligram per kilogram).
    PTD product transfer document.
    R&D research and development.
    RCO responsible corporate officer.
    RFG reformulated gasoline.
    RFS Renewable Fuel Standard.
    RVP Reid vapor pressure.
    SIP state implementation plan.
    SQC statistical quality control.
    T10, T50, T90 temperatures representing the points in a distillation process where 10, 50, and 90 percent of the sample evaporates, respectively.
    TDP transmix distillate product.
    TGP transmix gasoline product.
    U.S United States.
    U.S.C United States Code.
    ULSD ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel.
    VCSB voluntary consensus standards body.