§ 124.119 - Presiding Officer.  

Latest version.
  • (a)(1)(i) Before giving notice of a hearing under this subpart in a proceeding involving an NPDES permit, the Regional Administrator shall request that the Chief Administrative Law Judge assign an Administrative Law Judge as the Presiding Officer. The Chief Administrative Law Judge shall then make the assignment.

    (ii) If all parties to such a hearing waive in writing their statutory right to have an Administrative Law Judge named as the Presiding Officer in a hearing subject to this subparagraph the Regional Administrator may name a Presiding Officer under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section.

    (2) Before giving notice of a hearing under this subpart in a proceeding which does not involve an NPDES permit or a RCRA permit termination, the Regional Administrator shall either:

    (i) Request that the Chief Administrative Law Judge assign an Administrative Law Judge as the Presiding Officer. The Chief Administrative Law Judge may thereupon make such an assignment if he concludes that the other duties of his office allow, or

    (ii) Name a lawyer permanently or temporarily employed by the Agency and without prior connection with the proceeding to serve as Presiding Officer;

    (iii) If the Chief Administrative Law Judge declines to name an Administrative Law Judge as Presiding Officer upon receiving a request under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, the Regional Administrator shall name a Presiding Officer under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section.

    (b) It shall be the duty of the Presiding Officer to conduct a fair and impartial hearing. The Presiding Officer shall have the authority:

    (1) Conferred by § 124.85(b)(1)-(15), § 124.83 (b) and (c), and;

    (2) To receive relevant evidence, provided that all comments under §§ 124.113 and 124.118, the record of the panel hearing under § 124.120, and the administrative record, as defined in § 124.9 or in § 124.18 as the case may be shall be received in evidence, and

    (3) Either upon motion or sua sponte, to change the date of the hearing under § 124.120, or to recess such a hearing until a future date. In any such case the notice required by § 124.10 shall be given.

    (c) Whenever a panel hearing will be held on an individual draft NPDES permit for a source which does not have an existing permit, the Presiding Officer, on motion by the source, may issue an order authorizing it to begin discharging if it complies with all conditions of the draft permit or such other conditions as may be imposed by the Presiding Officer in consultation with the panel. The motion shall be granted if no party opposes it, or if the source demonstrates that:

    (1) It is likely to receive a permit to discharge at that site;

    (2) The environment will not be irreparably harmed if the source is allowed to begin discharging in compliance with the conditions of the Presiding Officer's order pending final agency action; and

    (3) Its discharge pending final agency action is in the public interest.

    (d) If for any offshore or coastal mobile exploratory drilling rig or coastal mobile developmental drilling rig which has never received a finally effective permit to discharge at a “site,” but which is not a “new discharger” or “new source,” the Regional Administrator finds that compliance with certain permit conditions may be necessary to avoid irreparable environmental harm during the nonadversary panel procedures, he may specify in the statement of basis or fact sheet that those conditions, even if contested, shall remain enforceable obligations of the discharger during administrative review unless otherwise modified by the Presiding Officer under paragraph (c) of this section.