§ 124.121 - Opportunity for cross-examination.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any party to a panel hearing may submit a written request to cross-examine any issue of material fact. The motion shall be submitted to the Presiding Officer within 15 days after a full transcript of the panel hearing is filed with the Regional Hearing Clerk and shall specify:

    (1) The disputed issue(s) of material fact. This shall include an explanation of why the questions at issue are factual, the extent to which they are in dispute in light of the then existing record, and the extent to which they are material to the decision on the application; and

    (2) The person(s) to be cross-examined, and an estimate of the time necessary to conduct the cross-examination. This shall include a statement explaining how the cross-examination will resolve the disputed issues of material fact.

    (b) After receipt of all motions for cross-examination under paragraph (a) of this section, the Presiding Officer, after consultation with the hearing panel, shall promptly issue an order either granting or denying each request. No cross-examination shall be allowed on questions of policy except to the extent required to disclose the factual basis for permit requirements, or on questions of law, or regarding matters (such as the validity of effluent limitations guidelines) that are not subject to challenge in permit issuance proceedings. Orders granting requests for cross-examination shall be served on all parties and shall specify:

    (1) The issues on which cross-examination is granted;

    (2) The persons to be cross-examined on each issue;

    (3) The persons allowed to conduct cross-examination;

    (4) Time limits for the examination of witnesses by each cross-examiner; and

    (5) The date, time, and place of the supplementary hearing at which cross-examination shall take place.

    (6) In issuing this order, the Presiding Officer may determine that two or more parties have the same or similar interests and that to prevent unduly repetitious cross-examination, they should be required to choose a single representative for purposes of cross-examination. In that case, the order shall simply assign time for cross-examination without further identifying the representative. If the designated parties fail to choose a single representative, the Presiding Officer may divide the assigned time among the representatives or issue any other order which justice may require.

    (c) [Reserved]

    (d) The Presiding Officer and, to the extent possible, the members of the hearing panel shall be present at the supplementary hearing. During the course of the hearing, the Presiding Officer shall have authority to modify any order issued under paragraph (b) of this section. A record will be made under § 124.87.

    (e)(1) No later than the time set for requesting cross-examination, a party may request that alternative methods of clarifying the record (such as the submission of additional written information) be used in lieu of or in addition to cross-examination. The Presiding Officer shall issue an order granting or denying this request at the time he or she issues (or would have issued) an order granting or denying a request for cross-examination, under paragraph (b) of this section. If the request for an alternative method is granted, the order shall specify the alternative and any other relevant information (such as the due date for submitting written information).

    (2) In passing on any request for cross-examination submitted under para-graph (a) of this section, the Presid-ing Officer may, as a precondition to -ruling on the merits of the request, -require alternative means of clarify-ing the record to be used whether or -not a request to do so has been made. -The party requesting cross-examination -shall have one week to comment on the results of using the alternative method. After considering these comments the Presiding Officer shall issue an order granting or denying the request for cross-examination.

    (f) The provisions of §§ 124.85(d)(2) and 124.84(e) apply to proceedings under this subpart.