§ 124.79 - Additional parties and issues.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any person may submit a request to be admitted as a party within 15 days after the date of mailing, publication, or posting of notice of the grant of an evidentiary hearing, whichever occurs last. The Presiding Officer shall grant requests that meet the requirements of §§ 124.74 and 124.76.

    (b) After the expiration of the time prescribed in paragraph (a) of this section any person may file a motion for leave to intervene as a party. This motion must meet the requirements of §§ 124.74 and 124.76 and set forth the grounds for the proposed intervention. No factual or legal issues, besides those raised by timely hearing requests, may be proposed except for good cause. A motion for leave to intervene must also contain a verified statement showing good cause for the failure to file a timely request to be admitted as a party. The Presiding Officer shall grant the motion only upon an express finding on the record that:

    (1) Extraordinary circumstances justify granting the motion;

    (2) The intervener has consented to be bound by:

    (i) Prior written agreements and stipulations by and between the existing parties; and

    (ii) All orders previously entered in the proceedings; and

    (3) Intervention will not cause undue delay or prejudice the rights of the existing parties.