§ 124.87 - Record of hearings.  

Latest version.
  • (a) All orders issued by the Presiding Officer, transcripts of oral hearings or arguments, written statements of position, written direct and rebuttal testimony, and any other data, studies, reports, documentation, information and other written material of any kind submitted in the proceeding shall be a part of the hearing record and shall be available to the public except as provided in §§ 122.7 (NPDES) and 270.12 (RCRA), in the Office of the Regional Hearing Clerk, as soon as it is received in that office.

    (b) Evidentiary hearings shall be either stenographically reported verbatim or tape recorded, and thereupon transcribed. After the hearing, the reporter shall certify and file with the Regional Hearing Clerk:

    (1) The original of the transcript, and

    (2) The exhibits received or offered into evidence at the hearing.

    (c) The Regional Hearing Clerk shall promptly notify each of the parties of the filing of the certified transcript of proceedings. Any party who desires a copy of the transcript of the hearing may obtain a copy of the hearing transcript from the Regional Hearing Clerk upon payment of costs.

    (d) The Presiding Officer shall allow witnesses, parties, and their counsel an opportunity to submit such written proposed corrections of the transcript of any oral testimony taken at the hearing, pointing out errors that may have been made in transcribing the testimony, as are required to make the transcript conform to the testimony. Except in unusual cases, no more than 30 days shall be allowed for submitting such corrections from the day a complete transcript of the hearing becomes available.