§ 130.35 - How will EPA assure that TMDLs are established?

Latest version.
  • (a) EPA must assure that TMDLs for waterbodies and pollutants identified on Part 1 of your list are established. EPA must do this by:

    (1) Working with you to assure that TMDLs are established in accordance with your schedule; and

    (2) Establishing a TMDL if you have not made substantial progress in establishing the TMDL in accordance with your approved schedule. Substantial progress means that you have established a TMDL not later than the end of the one-year period during which it was scheduled to be established. EPA must establish the TMDL within two years of the date on which you fail to make substantial progress. The Administrator may extend this period for no more than two years on a case-by-case basis if there is a compelling need for additional time. Notice of such extension shall be published in the Federal Register.

    (b) EPA may establish TMDLs under other circumstances including:

    (1) You request that EPA do so; or

    (2) EPA determines it is necessary to establish a TMDL for an interstate or boundary waterbody or to implement Federal water quality standards.

    (c) In establishing any TMDL pursuant to this section, EPA shall provide notice and an opportunity for public comment on such order.