§ 152.175 - Pesticides classified for restricted use.

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  • § 152.175 Pesticides classified for restricted use.

    The following uses of pesticide products containing the active ingredients specified below have been classified for restricted use and are limited to use by or under the direct supervision of a certified applicator.

    Active ingredient Formulation Use pattern Classification1 Criteria influencing restriction
    Acrolein As sole active ingredient. No mixtures registered All uses Restricted Inhalation hazard to humans. Residue effects on avian species and aquatic organisms.
    Aldicarb As sole active ingredient Ornamental uses (indoor and outdoor) ......do Other hazards - accident history.
    No mixtures registered Agricultural crop uses Under further evaluation
    Aluminum phosphide As sole active ingredient. No mixtures registered ......do ......do Inhalation hazard to humans.
    Azinphos methyl All liquids with a concentration greater than 13.5 pct ......do ......do Do.
    All other formulations ......do Under futher evaluation.
    Carbofuran All concentrate suspensions and wettable powders 40% and greater ......do ......do Acute inhalation toxicity.
    All granular formulations Rice Under evaluation
    All granular and fertilizer formulations All uses except rice ......do
    Chloropicrin All formulations greater than 2% All uses ......do Acute inhalation toxicity.
    All formulations Rodent control ......do Hazard to non-target organisms.
    All formulations 2% and less Outdoor uses (other than rodent control) Unclassified
    Clonitralid All wettable powders 70% and greater All uses Restricted Acute inhalation toxicity.
    All granulars and wettable powders Molluscide uses Restricted Effects on aquatic organisms.
    Pressurized sprays 0.55% and less Hospital antiseptics Unclassified
    Dicrotophos All liquid formulations 8% and greater All uses Restricted Acute dermal toxicity; residue effects on avian species (except for tree injections).
    Disulfoton All emulsifiable concentrates 65% and greater, all emulsifiable concentrates and concentrate solutions 21% and greater with fensulfothion 43% and greater, all emulsifiable concentrates 32% and greater in combination with 32% fensulfothion and greater ......do Restricted Do.
    Acute inhalation toxicity.
    Non-aqueous solution 95% and greater Commercial seed treatment Restricted Acute dermal toxicity.
    Granular formulations 10% and greater Indoor uses (greenhouse) ......do Acute inhalation toxicity.
    Ethoprop Emulsifiable concentrates 40% and greater Aquatic uses ......do Acute dermal toxicity.
    All granular and fertilizer formulations All uses Under evaluation
    Ethyl parathion All granular and dust formulations greater than 2 pct, fertilizer formulations, wettable powders, emulsifiable concentrates, concentrated suspensions, concentrated solutions ......do Restricted Inhalation hazard to humans. Acute dermal toxicity. Residue effects on mammalian, aquatic, avian species.
    Smoke fumigants ......do ......do Inhalation hazard to humans.
    Dust and granular formulations 2 pct and below ......do ......do Other hazards - accident history.
    Fenamiphos Emulsifiable concentrates 35% and greater ......do ......do Acute dermal toxicity.
    Fonofos Emulsifiable concentrates 44% and greater ......do ......do Acute dermal toxicity.
    Emulsifiable concentrates 12.6% and less with pebulate 50.3% and less Tobacco Unclassified
    Methamidophos Liquid formulations 40% and greater ......do Restricted Acute dermal toxicity; residue effects on avian species.
    Dust formulations 2.5% and greater ......do ......do Residue effects on avian species.
    Methidathion All formulations All uses except nursery stock, safflower and sunflower ......do Do.
    All formulations Nursery stock, safflower and sunflower Unclassified
    Methomyl As sole active ingredient in 1 pct to 2.5 baits (except 1 pct fly bait) Nondomestic outdoors-agricultural crops, ornamental and turf. All other registered uses Restricted Residue effects on mammalian species.
    All concentrated solution formulations ......do ......do Other hazards-accident history.
    90 pct wettable powder formulations (not in water soluble bags) ......do ......do Do.
    90 pct wettable powder formulation in water soluble bags ......do Unclassified
    All granular formulations ......do ......do
    25 pct wettable powder formulations ......do ......do
    In 1.24 pct to 2.5 pct dusts as sole active ingredient and in mixtures with fungicides and chlorinated hydrocarbon, inorganic phosphate and biological insecticides ......do ......do
    Methyl bromide All formulations in containers greater than 1.5 lb All uses Restricted Do.
    Containers with not more than 1.5 lb of methyl bromide with 0.25 pct to 2.0 pct chloropicrin as an indicator Single applications (nondomestic use) for soil treatment in closed systems Unclassified
    Container with not more than 1.5 lb having no indicator All uses Restricted Do.
    Methyl parathion All dust and granular formulations less than 5 pct ......do ......do Other hazards-accident history. All foliar applications restricted based on residue effects on mammalian and avian species.
    Microencapsulated ......do ......do Residue effects on avian species. Hazard to bees.
    All dust and granular formulations 5 pct and greater and all wettable powders and liquids ......do ......do Acute dermal toxicity. Residue effects on mammalian and avian species.
    Nicotine (alkaloid) Liquid and dry formulations 14% and above Indoor (greenhouse) ......do Acute inhalation toxicity.
    All formulations Applications to cranberries ......do Effects on aquatic organisms.
    Liquid and dry formulations 1.5% and less All uses (domestic and nondomestic) Unclassified
    Paraquat (dichloride) and paraquat bis(methyl sulfate) All formulations and concentrations except those listed below All uses Restricted Other hazards. Use and accident history, human toxicological data.
    Pressurized spray formulations containing 0.44 pct Paraquat bis(methyl sulfate) and 15 pct petroleum distillates as active ingredients Spot weed and grass control ......do
    Liquid fertilizers containing concentrations of 0.025 pct paraquat dichloride and 0.03 percent atrazine; 0.03 pct paraquat dichloride and 0.37 pct atrazine, 0.04 pct paraquat dichloride and 0.49 pct atrazine All uses Unclassified
    Phorate Liquid formulations 65% and greater ......do Restricted Acute dermal toxicity.
    Residue effects on avian species (applies to foliar applications only).
    Residue effects on mammalian species (applies to foliar application only).
    All granular formulations Rice ......do Effects on aquatic organisms.
    Phosphamidon Liquid formulations 75% and greater ......do ......do Acute dermal toxicity.
    Residue effects on mammalian species.
    Residue effects on avian species.
    Dust formulations 1.5% and greater ......do ......do Do.
    Residue effects on mammalian species.
    Picloram All formulations and concentrations except tordon 101 R ......do ......do Hazard to nontarget organisms (specifically nontarget plants both crop and noncrop).
    Tordon 101 R forestry herbicide containing 5.4 pct picloram and 20.9 pct 2.4-D Control of unwanted trees by cut surface treatment Unclassified
    Sodium cyanide3 All capsules and ball formulations All uses Restricted Inhalation hazard to humans.
    Sodium fluoroacetate All solutions and dry baits ......do ......do Acute oral toxicity. Hazard to nontarget organisms. Use and accident history.
    Strychnine All dry baits, pellets and powder formulations greater than 0.5 pct ......do ......do Acute oral toxicity. Hazard to nontarget avain species. Use and accident history.
    All dry baits, pellets and powder formulations All uses calling for burrow builders ......do Hazard to nontarget organisms.
    All dry baits, pellets and powder formulations 0.5 pct and below All uses except subsoil ......do Do.
    ......do All subsoil uses Unclassified
    Sulfotepp Sprays and smoke generators All uses Restricted Inhalation hazard to humans.
    Zinc Phosphide All formulations 2% and less All domestic uses and non-domestic uses in and around buildings Unclassified
    All dry formulations 60% and greater.
    All uses Restricted Acute inhalation toxicity.
    All bait formulations Non-domestic outdoor uses (other than around buildings) ......do Hazard to non-target organisms.
    All dry formulations 10% and greater Domestic uses ......do Acute oral toxicity.

    [43 FR 5790, Feb. 9, 1978, as amended at 44 FR 45132, Aug. 1, 1979; 46 FR 5698, Jan. 19, 1981. Redesignated and amended at 53 FR 15988, May 4, 1988; 60 FR 32096, June 19, 1995]