§ 163.12 - Opinion as to residue.

Latest version.
  • (a) In forming an opinion whether the tolerance or exemption proposed by the petitioner reasonably reflects the amount of residue likely to result when the pesticide chemical is used in the manner proposed, consideration will be given, among other things, to:

    (1) Data furnished by the petitioner showing (i) the results of tests to ascertain the amount of residue remaining, including a description of the analytical methods used, and (ii) practicable methods for removing residue which exceeds any proposed tolerance;

    (2) Reports of other experimental work before the Director in publications, the official files of the Agency, or otherwise;

    (3) Opinions of experts qualified in the fields involved.

    (b) If a tolerance proposed by the petitioner is reasonably to reflect the amount of residue likely to result when a pesticide chemical is used, it must be large enough to include all residue which is likely to result when the pesticide chemical is used in the manner proposed by the petitioner, but not larger than needed for this purpose. The tolerance proposed by the petitioner may take into account reduction of residue by washing, brushing, or other applicable method.

    (c) If there is insufficient information before the Director to support an opinion as to whether the tolerance proposed by the petitioner reasonably reflects the amount of residue likely to result, the opinion will so state.