Subpart A - General Provisions
§ 177.1 - Scope and applicability.
§ 177.3 - Definitions.
Subpart E - Procedures for Filing Petitions
§ 177.81 - Petition for establishment, modification, or revocation of a food additive regulation.
§ 177.84 - Deficient or incomplete petitions.
§ 177.86 - Acceptance for review.
§ 177.88 - Publication of notice.
§ 177.92 - Amendments or supplements to petitions.
§ 177.98 - Withdrawal of petitions.
§ 177.99 - Demand for action.
Subpart F - Submission of Scientific and Technical Information
§ 177.102 - Data and information required to support petition to establish a food additive regulation, to increase a tolerance, or to remove a condition on use.
§ 177.105 - Data and information required to support petition to revoke a food additive regulation, to decrease a tolerance, or to add a condition on use.
§ 177.110 - Additional data requirements; waiver of requirements.
§ 177.116 - Sample of food additive.
Subpart G - Administrative Actions
§ 177.125 - Action after review.
§ 177.130 - Issuance of proposed rule on Administrator's initiative or in response to petition, and final action on proposal.
§ 177.135 - Effective date of regulation.
Subpart H - Judicial Review
§ 177.140 - Judicial review.