§ 177.105 - Data and information required to support petition to revoke a food additive regulation, to decrease a tolerance, or to add a condition on use.  

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  • A petition to revoke a food additive regulation, or to modify such a regulation by decreasing a tolerance for a pesticide residue in or on a processed food or by adding a condition on the use of a food additive, shall include:

    (a) The data and information required by § 177.102(a), (b), (g), (h), and (i).

    (b) Such data and information of the types described in § 177.102(c), (d), (e), and (f) as the petitioner chooses to submit.

    (c) Information showing what changes, if any, petitioner believes would have to be made in associated registrations of pesticides under FIFRA or in associated tolerance regulations issued under FFDCA section 408 if the petition were granted.