§ 177.92 - Amendments or supplements to petitions.  

Latest version.
  • After a notice of a petition has been published, the petitioner may submit additional information or data in support of the petition, or may amend the petition. Any such submission or amendment shall be accompanied by an informative summary of its contents that may be published in the Federal Register. The Administrator shall publish a notice in the Federal Register to supplement the notice published under § 177.88 if:

    (a) The petitioner seeks to amend the petition by:

    (1) Increasing a requested tolerance, by identifying any additional food additive or additional pesticide residues to which the requested food additive regulation would apply.

    (2) Identifying any additional processed food to which the requested food additive regulation would apply.

    (3) Changing the method for detecting or measuring pesticide residues to be used for enforcement purposes.

    (b) The Administrator finds that publication of such a notice otherwise would be in the public interest.