§ 179.112 - Decision by Administrator on appeal or review of initial decision.  

Latest version.
  • § 179.112 Decision by Administrator on appeal or review of initial decision.

    (a) On appeal from or review of the initial decision, the Administrator shall have the same powers as did the presiding officer in making the initial decision. On the Administrator's own initiative or on motion, the Administrator may remand the matter to the presiding officer for any further action necessary for a proper decision.

    (b) The scope of the issues on appeal to, or on review by the Administrator is the same as the scope of the issues before the presiding officer, unless the Administrator specifies otherwise.

    (c) After the filing of briefs and any oral argument, the Administrator will issue a final decision on the issues of fact in the hearing and the objections related to those issues. A final decision must contain the elements required for an initial decision by § 179.105(b).

    (d) The Administrator may adopt the initial decision as the final decision.

    (e) The Administrator's decision, or a summary of the decision and a notice of its availability, will be published in the Federal Register.