§ 180.489 - Sulfosate (Sulfonium, tri-methyl-salt with N-(phospho-nomethyl)glycine (1:1)); tolerances for residues.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General. Tolerances are established for residues of the herbicide sulfosate (sulfonium, trimethyl-salt with N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine (1:1)) as the sum of the residues of the trimethylsulfonium cation (TSM) and the N-(phosphonomethyl glycine anion measured separately in or on the following raw and processed agricultural commodities.

    CommodityParts per millionAlmond, hulls (of which no more than 0.30 ppm is trimethylsulfonium (TMS)).1.00Banana (imported only) 10.05Cattle, fat0.5Cattle, kidney6.0Cattle, meat byproducts, except kidney1.5Cattle, meat1.0Corn, field, forage0.10Corn, field and pop, grain (of which no more than 0.10 ppm is TMS).0.20Corn, field and pop, stover (of which no more than 0.20 ppm is TMS).0.30Corn, sweet, forage (of which no more than 5.0 ppm is TMS)20Corn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husks removed (of which no more than 0.10 ppm is TMS)0.15Corn, sweet, stover (of which no more than 65 ppm is TMS)170Cotton, gin byproducts (of which no more than 35 ppm is TMS)120Cotton, undelinted seed (of which no more than 10 ppm is TMS)40Crop group 2: Leaves of root and tuber vegetables (human food or animal feed (except radish) group (of which no more than 0.20 ppm is TSM)0.30Crop group 8: Vegetable, fruiting (except cucurbits) group0.05Crop subgroup 1-A: Root vegetables (except radish) subgroup (of which no more than 0.10 ppm is TSM)0.15Crop subgroup 1-C: Tuberous and corm vegetables subgroup (of which no more than 0.50 ppm is TSM)1Crop subgroup 6-A: Edible-podded legume vegetables subgroup (of which no more than 0.3 ppm is TSM)0.5Crop subgroup 6-B: Succulent shelled pea and bean subgroup (of which no more than 0.1 ppm is TSM)0.20Crop subgroup 6-C: Dried shelled pea and bean (except soybean and animal feed) subgroup (of which no more than 1.5 ppm is TSM)6.0Egg0.05Fruit, citrus, group 100.05Fruit, pome, group 110.05Fruit, stone, group 120.05Goat, fat0.5Goat, kidney6.0Goat, meat byproducts, except kidney1.5Goat, meat1.0Grain, aspirated fractions (of which no more than 720 ppm is TMS)1,300Grape0.10Grape, raisin (of which no more than 0.05 ppm is TMS).0.20Hog, fat0.5Hog, kidney6.0Hog, meat byproducts, except kidney1.5Hog, meat1.0Horse, fat0.5Horse, kidney6.0Horse, meat byproducts, except kidney1.5Horse, meat1.0Milk1.5Nut, tree, group 140.05Pistachio0.05Poultry, fat0.05Poultry, meat byproducts0.50Poultry, meat0.05Prune (of which no more than 0.05 ppm is TMS).0.20Radish, roots (of which no more than 15 ppm is TMS)16Radish, tops (of which no more than 8.0 ppm is TMS)10Sheep, fat0.5Sheep, kidney6.0Sheep, meat byproducts, except kidney1.5Sheep, meat1.0Sorghum, grain, forage (of which no more than 0.10 ppm is TMS)0.20Sorghum, grain, grain (of which no more than 15 ppm is TMS)35Sorghum, grain, stover (of which no more than 60 ppm is TMS)140Soybean, forage (of which no more than 1 ppm is TMS).2.0Soybean, hay (of which no more than 2 ppm is TMS).5.0Soybean, hulls (of which no more than 25 ppm is TMS)45Soybean, seed (of which no more than 13 ppm is TMS)21Wheat, bran (of which no more than 6.0 ppm is TMS)30Wheat, forage (of which no more than 30 ppm is TMS)35Wheat, grain (of which no more than 2.5 ppm is TMS)10Wheat, hay (of which no more than 0.50 ppm is TMS)1.0Wheat shorts (of which no more than 0.5 ppm is TMS)1.5Wheat, shorts (of which no more than 5.0 ppm is TMS)20Wheat, straw (of which no more than 0.5 ppm is TMS)1.0Wheat, straw (of which no more than 40 ppm is TMS)901 There are no U.S. registrations as of the date of publication of the tolerance in the Federal Register

    (b) Section 18 emergency exemptions. [Reserved]

    (c) Tolerances with regional registrations. [Reserved]

    (d) Indirect or inadvertent residues. [Reserved]