§ 185.5150 - Propylene oxide.  

Latest version.
  • The food additive propylene oxide may be safely used in or on foods in accordance with the following prescribed conditions:

    (a) It is intended as a fumigant in or on bulk quantities of cocoa, gums, processed spices, and processed nutmeats (except peanuts) when such bulk foods are to be further processed into a final food form.

    (b) It is applied in fumigation chambers not more than one time at a temperature not in excess of 125 °F. The maximum period of fumigation shall not exceed 4 hours for cocoa, processed nutmeats (except peanuts), and processed spices. For edible gums, the maximum duration shall be 24 hours.

    (c) When used as described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, residues shall not exceed the following limitations:

    FoodLimitations1Cocoa300Gums300Processed nutmeats (except peanuts)300Spices, processed3001 Expressed as parts per million of propylene oxide.

    (d) When used as a mixture with carbon dioxide (92 parts of carbon dioxide to 8 parts of propylene oxide on a weight/weight basis), all commodities listed in paragraph (c) of this section may be processed not more than one time for a period not to exceed 48 hours and at a temperature not to exceed 125 °F.

    (e) To assure safe use of the additive, the label and labeling of the pesticide formulation containing the food additive shall conform to the label an labeling registered by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.