§ 186.1950 - O,O-Diethyl S-2-(ethyl-thio)ethyl phos-phorodithioate.  

Latest version.
  • Tolerances for residues of O,O-diethyl S-2-(ethyl-thio)ethyl phos-phorodithioate, calculated as demeton, in ingredients for livestock feed are established as follows:

    (a) 5 parts per million in dehydrated sugar beet pulp when present therein as a result of the application of the pesticide to the growing agricultural crop, provided that, if residues of demeton are also present, the total of both residues shall not exceed 5 parts per million.

    (b) 5 parts per million in pineapple bran when present therein as a result of the application of the insecticide in the production of pineapples.