§ 186.350 - Benomyl.  

Latest version.
  • Tolerances are established for combined residues of the fungicide benomyl (methyl-1-(butylcarbamoyl)-2-benzi-midazolecarbamate) and its metabolites containing the benzimidazole moiety (calculated as benomyl) as follows:

    125 parts per million in dried grape pomace and raisin waste when present therein as a result of application of the fungicide to growing grapes.

    70 parts per million in dried apple pomace when present therein as a result of application (preharvest and/or postharvest) of the fungicide to the raw agricultural commodity apples.

    50 parts per million in dried citrus pulp when present therein as a result of application (preharvest and/or postharvest) of the fungicide to the raw agricultural commodity citrus fruits.

    20 parts per million in or on rice hulls when present therein as a result of preharvest application of the fungicide to the raw agricultural commodity rice.