§ 2.114 - Appeals from initial denials; manner of making.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Any person whose request for one or more existing, located EPA records has been denied in whole or in part by an initial determination may appeal that denial by addressing a written appeal to the address shown in § 2.106(a).

    (b) An appeal should be mailed no later than 30 calendar days after the date the requestor received the initial determination on the request. An untimely appeal may be treated either as a timely appeal or as a new request, at the option of the Freedom of Information Officer.

    (c) The appeal letter shall contain a reference to the Request Identification Number (RIN), the date of the initial determination, and the name and address of the person who issued the initial denial. The appeal letter shall also indicate which of the records to which access was denied are the subjects of the appeal.