Subpart C - Measurement Criteria

§ 201.20 - Applicability and purpose.
§ 201.21 - Quantities measured.
§ 201.22 - Measurement instrumentation.
§ 201.23 - Test site, weather conditions and background noise criteria for measurement at a 30 meter (100 feet) distance of the noise from locomotive and rail car operations and locomotive load cell test stands.
§ 201.24 - Procedures for measurement at a 30 meter (100 feet) distance of the noise from locomotive and rail car operations and locomotive load cell test stands.
§ 201.25 - Measurement location and weather conditions for measurement on receiving property of the noise of retarders, car coupling, locomotive load cell test stands, and stationary locomotives.
§ 201.26 - Procedures for the measurement on receiving property of retarder and car coupling noise.
§ 201.27 - Procedures for: (1) Determining applicability of the locomotive load cell test stand standard and switcher locomotive standard by noise measurement on a receiving property; (2) measurement of locomotive load cell test stands more than 120 meters (400 feet) on a receiving property.
§ 201.28 - Testing by railroad to determine probable compliance with the standard.