§ 266.418 - Termination of USFRS' participation in this XL Project.  

Latest version.
  • The procedures identified in this section are to be followed to terminate USFRS' participation in the federal USFRS XL Project. MPCA or the County Agencies may have their own procedures for terminating USFRS' participation from their version of this federal USFRS XL Project. EPA is not bound by and will not follow those State or County procedures to terminate USFRS' continued participation in this USFRS XL Project. USFRS' participation in the USFRS XL Project will terminate when the USFRS XL project ends. It may terminate earlier either voluntarily, upon a change in ownership of USFRS, upon notice of EPA, MPCA or as appropriate the County Agency. The USFRS XL Waste Project is terminated if USFRS' participation is terminated, unless there is a change in ownership of USFRS and EPA, MPCA and the County Agencies have approved the new owner's continuation in the USFRS XL project as provided in paragraph (b) of this section. In such an instance USFRS must supply EPA, MPCA and the County Agencies with a proposed schedule for transitioning all USFRS XL Project participants to compliance with the RCRA requirements within 120 days of a notice to terminate pursuant to this section.

    (a) USFRS' termination of its participation in this XL Project—voluntary termination. USFRS will provide written notice to all USFRS XL Project participants (e.g., USFRS XL waste approved customers and approved transporters, USFRS XL waste generators and transporters), EPA, MPCA and the County Agencies of its desire to terminate its participation in the USFRS XL Project (“voluntary termination”) USFRS will provide its notice of voluntary termination 120 days prior to the date it proposes to terminate this XL Project. Within this 120 days USFRS will arrange for the transition of it and the USFRS XL waste Project participants to return to compliance with the RCRA requirements. During this time all USFRS XL Project participants will complete all closure activities required by § 266.412.

    (b) Termination as a result in a change of ownership of USFRS. USFRS will provide written notice to EPA, MPCA and the County Agencies of any change in ownership of USFRS. USFRS will provide this notice 90 days prior to a change in ownership. At that time, if the new owner wishes to continue the USFRS XL waste Project it will submit any revisions it proposes to make to the FPA to add itself to the USFRS XL waste project. If EPA and the new owner are able to agree upon and sign the proposed revisions to the FPA within that time frame then the new owner may continue the USFRS XL Project. If an agreement and signature is not obtained within that time frame, the USFRS XL Project will be terminated. If it does not obtain that approval or does not wish to continue the USFRS XL Project then USFRS will arrange for the transition of all USFRS XL waste Project participants to return to compliance with the RCRA requirements within 120 days of the change in ownership. All USFRS XL waste Project participants will complete all closure activities required by § 266.412.

    (c) EPA or MPCA termination of the USFRS XL Project. EPA or MPCA may terminate this XL Project after providing written notice to USFRS. EPA retains the right to terminate this XL Project if:

    (1) USFRS is in non-compliance with the requirements of this subpart;

    (2) This Project does not provide superior environmental benefit; or,

    (3) If there is repeated non-compliance by USFRS XL waste generators or transporters.

    (d) In the event of termination by EPA, EPA will provide USFRS, MPCA and the County Agencies with 30 days written notice of its intent to terminate this XL Project. During this period, which commences on receipt of the notice by USFRS, USFRS will have the opportunity to come back into compliance, to provide a written explanation as to why it was not in compliance and how it intends to return to compliance or otherwise respond to the reasons for EPA's proposed termination. If, upon review of the written explanation EPA re-issues a written notice terminating this XL Project then USFRS shall submit to EPA within 30 days of its receipt of the re-issued notice its plan for transitioning all USFRS XL waste Project participants to compliance with the RCRA requirements. This transition plan shall contain a proposed schedule which accomplishes compliance with RCRA within 120 days of EPA's re-issued written notice.