§ 266.419 - USFRS recordkeeping and reporting requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Annual reporting. USFRS will provide an annual report, on October 1, on all USFRS XL wastes. It will provide the information separately for each USFRS XL waste generator. The annual report, at a minimum, will include:

    (1) An identification of each USFRS XL waste generator who sent USFRS XL wastes to USFRS; the quantity of XL waste that USFRS received from each USFRS XL waste generator during the calendar year and a certification by USFRS that those USFRS XL wastes were treated and recycled at USFRS in accordance with this subpart O;

    (2) The amount of water recycled by the generators, the pretreatment chemicals and energy the generators did not use as a result of participating in this USFRS XL Project, the amount of water discharged to the local POTW before and during this project, the amount of sludge recovered by USFRS before and during this project, the amount of sludge recovered as opposed to disposed of by a generator (if the generator disposed of the sludge prior to participating in this project), the quantity of material (ion exchange resins, filters, other wastewater treatment sludge, residues) collected from each facility (monthly), the frequency of resin canister and filter replacement in terms of process volume, the constituents in the material (ion exchange resins, filters, other wastewater treatment sludge, residues) collected at each facility (e.g., recoverable metals, contaminants/non-recoverable materials); and constituents in the material (ion exchange resins, filters, other wastewater treatment sludge, residues) disposed by each facility (e.g., contaminants/non-recoverable material).

    (3) Quantity of material (ion exchange resins, filters, other wastewater treatment sludge, residues) to be processed from the XL waste at the USFRS Roseville facility, quantity of the metals recovered from the XL waste at the USFRS Roseville facility, the constituents of the recovered material (ion exchange resins, filters, other wastewater treatment sludge, residues from the XL waste), quantity and constituents of the non-recoverable material from the XL waste (ion exchange resins, filters, other wastewater treatment sludge, residues), and how it was disposed of; and

    (4) The quantity of each metal recovered at each metals reclamation facility it uses for this Project.

    (b) Quarterly reporting. USFRS will submit a quarterly report to EPA, MPCA and the County Agencies on October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1 which will include:

    (1) Sufficient information for EPA to determine the amount of superior environmental benefit resulting from this project. That report will, at a minimum, contain information which includes, but is not limited to: the volume of water and waste collected and recycled; the amount of metals recycled; the volume of recycled material sold to others; data regarding the management of the ion exchange canisters and filter containers; the constituents of the sludge; and information regarding how the sludge and residues are managed;

    (2) Financial information related to the costs and savings realized as a result of implementation of this project.

    (i) USFRS will collect baseline and XL costs. The baseline costs shall be calculated using two scenarios:

    (A) Typical expenses (including any hazardous waste taxes) of the generator (prior to the XL Project) for pretreating and disposing effluent wastewater under the applicable Clean Water Act requirements and the costs for manifesting, transporting and disposing of F006 sludges; and

    (B) Typical expenses of the generator that would be incurred if waste were recycled in compliance with RCRA and requirements for manifesting and transportation of those hazardous wastes (including tax obligations under both scenarios).

    (ii) The XL costs will include the costs to the generator for completing the Transportation Tracking Document, the transportation costs for XL wastes, the generator's cost to install the ion exchange canisters and filter containers, any other costs the generator incurs such as cleaning up any spills, payment of hazardous waste taxes, etc., the cost to USFRS of metals reclamation off-site (including costs associated with transportation or disposal). USFRS will compare the baseline costs to the XL costs and provide an analysis of whether the project is resulting in cost savings for generators and which aspects of the XL Project produce any savings. USFRS will also submit any of the information required in paragraphs (b)(2)(i)(A) and (B) of this section upon request by EPA, MPCA or the County Agency;

    (3) A list of all USFRS XL Waste Approved Customers and Generators. USFRS shall include on that list the customer and generator's name, a summary of the results of the USFRS waste characterization of the customer and generator's waste stream(s) and process(es), the customer's and generator's process waste streams approved for participation in the USFRS XL Waste Project, the unique client number USFRS has assigned to the customer and generator and its waste stream, the date of USFRS notice to EPA and MPCA proposing to add the customer and generator to the USFRS XL Project; the date on which USFRS notified the customer that it is approved for participation in this USFRS XL Project; and the date USFRS received the signed FPA and certification from the customer or generator. The list shall also contain the date of any notice of termination, and if there is a termination, the date on which USFRS recovered all of its USFRS XL wastes from the generator and the date USFRS conducted its visual evaluation of the condition of the USFRS XL waste storage areas and notice of compliance with § 266.412. USFRS will update its waste customer and generator list when new customers and generators have been approved by EPA, MPCA and the County Agencies or when a customer or generator has been terminated from this XL Project; and

    (4) A list of all USFRS XL Waste Approved Transporters. USFRS shall include on this list the transporter's unique USFRS client number, the transporter's name, and if available, EPA identification number and its Minnesota registration number, the date of USFRS notice to EPA and MPCA proposing to add the transporter to the USFRS XL Project; the date on which USFRS notified the transporter that it is a USFRS XL Waste Approved Transporter; and the date on which it received the signed USFRS XL waste FPA and certification. The list shall also contain the date of any notice of termination, and if there is a termination, the date on which USFRS recovered all of its USFRS XL wastes from the transporter. This USFRS XL waste transporter list may be modified upon approval of EPA and MPCA.

    (c) Recordkeeping. USFRS will retain for three years a copy of USFRS XL waste application forms, and correspondence with each USFRS XL waste approved customer and generator; records of any spill or leak notifications it receives; records of its compliance with this subpart O; and the USFRS XL waste Transportation Tracking Document for each shipment from a USFRS XL waste generator.