§ 35.1640-1 - Application review criteria.  

Latest version.
  • (a) When evaluating applications, EPA will consider information supplied by the applicant which address the following criteria:

    (1) The technical feasibility of the project, and where appropriate, the estimated improvement in lake water quality.

    (2) The anticipated positive changes that the project would produce in the overall lake ecosystem, including the watershed, such as the net reduction in sediment, nutrient, and other pollutant loadings.

    (3) The estimated improvement in fish and wildlife habitat and associated beneficial effects on specific fish populations of sport and commercial species.

    (4) The extent of anticipated benefits to the public. EPA will consider such factors as

    (i) The degree, nature and sufficiency of public access to the lake;

    (ii) The size and economic structure of the population residing near the lake which would use the improved lake for recreational and other purposes;

    (iii) The amount and kind of public transportation available for transport of the public to and from the public access points;

    (iv) Whether other relatively clean publicly owned freshwater lakes within 80 kilometer radius already adequately serve the population; and

    (v) Whether the restoration would benefit primarily the owners of private land adjacent to the lake.

    (5) The degree to which the project considers the “open space” policies contained in sections 201(f), 201(g), and 208(b)(2)(A) of the Act.

    (6) The reasonableness of the proposed costs relative to the proposed work, the likelihood that the project will succeed, and the potential public benefits.

    (7) The means for controlling adverse environmental impacts which would result from the proposed restoration of the lake. EPA will give specific attention to the environmental concerns listed in section (c) of appendix A.

    (8) The State priority ranking for a particular project.

    (9) The State's operation and maintenance program to ensure that the pollution control measures and/or in-lake restorative techniques supported under the project will be continued after the project is completed.

    (b) For Phase 1 applications, the review criteria presented in paragraph (a) of this section will be modified in relation to the smaller amount of technical information and analysis that is available in the application. Specifically, under criterion (a)(1), EPA will consider a technical assessment of the proposed project approach to meet the requirements stated in appendix A to this regulation. Under criterion (a)(4), EPA will consider the degree of public access to the lake and the public benefit. Under criterion (a)(7), EPA will consider known or anticipated adverse environmental impacts identified in the application or that EPA can presume will occur. Criterion (a)(9) will not be considered.