§ 35.912 - Delegation to State agencies.  

Latest version.
  • EPA's policy is to maximize the use of staff capabilities of State agencies. Therefore, in the implementation of the construction grant program, optimum use will be made of available State and Federal resources. This will eliminate unnecessary duplicative reviews of documents required in the processing of construction grant awards. Accordingly, the Regional Administrator may enter into a written agreement, where appropriate, with a State agency to authorize the State agency's certification of the technical or administrative adequacy of specifically required documents. The agreement may provide for the review and certification of elements of:

    (a) Facilities plans (step 1),

    (b) plans and specifications (step 2),

    (c) operation and maintenance manuals, and

    (d) such other elements as the Regional Administrator determines may be appropriately delegated as the program permits and State competence allows. The agreement will define requirements which the State will be expected to fulfill as part of its general responsibilities for the conduct of an effective preaward applicant assistance program; compensation for this program is the responsibility of the State. The agreement will also define specific duties regarding the review of identified documents prerequisite to the receipt of grant awards. A certification agreement must provide that an applicant or grantee may request review by the Regional Administrator of an adverse recommendation by a State agency. Delegation activities are compensable by EPA only under section 106 of the Act or subpart F of this part.