§ 35.917 - Facilities planning (step 1).  

Latest version.
  • (a) Sections 35.917 through 35.917-9 establish the requirements for facilities plans.

    (b) Facilities planning consists of those necessary plans and studies which directly relate to the construction of treatment works necessary to comply with sections 301 and 302 of the Act. Facilities planning will demonstrate the need for the proposed facilities. Through a systematic evaluation of feasible alternatives, it will also demonstrate that the selected alternative is cost-effective, i.e., is the most economical means of meeting established effluent and water quality goals while recognizing environmental and social considerations. (See appendix A to this subpart.)

    (c) EPA requires full compliance with the facilities planning provisions of this subpart before award of step 2 or step 3 grant assistance. (Facilities planning initiated before May 1, 1974, may be accepted under regulations published on February 11, 1974, if the step 2 or step 3 grant assistance is awarded before April 1, 1980.)

    (d) Grant assistance for step 2 or step 3 may be awarded before approval of a facilities plan for the entire geographic area to be served by the complete waste treatment system of which the proposed treatment works will be an integral part if:

    (1) The Regional Administrator determines that applicable statutory requirements have been met (see §§35.925-7 and 35.925-8); that the facilities planning related to the proposed step 2 or step 3 project has been substantially completed; and that the step 2 or step 3 project for which grant assistance is made will not be significantly affected by the completion of the facilities plan and will be a component part of the complete system; and

    (2) The applicant agrees to complete the facilities plan on a schedule the State accepts (subject to the Regional Administrator's approval); the schedule shall be inserted as a special condition in the grant agreement.

    (e) Facilities planning may not be initiated before award of a step 1 grant or written approval of a plan of study (see §35.920-3(a)(1)) accompanied by reservation of funds for a step 1 grant (see §§35.925-18 and 35.905). Facility planning must be based on load allocations, delineation of facility planning areas and population projection totals and disaggregations in approved water quality management (WQM) plans. (See paragraph 8a(3) of appendix A.) After October 1, 1979, the Regional Administrator shall not approve grant assistance for any project under this subpart if such facility-related information is not available in an approved WQM plan, unless the Regional Administrator determines, in writing, based on information submitted by the State or the grantee, that the facility-related information was not within the scope of the WQM work program, or that award of the grant is necessary to achieve water quality goals of the Act.

    (f) If the information required as part of a facilities plan has been developed separately, the facilities plan should incorporate it by reference. Planning which has been previously or collaterally accomplished under local, State, or Federal programs will be utilized (not duplicated).