§ 35.918-1 - Additional limitations on awards for individual systems.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to those limitations set forth in §35.925, the grant applicant shall:

    (a) Certify that the principal residence or small commercial establishment was constructed before December 27, 1977, and inhabited or in use on or before that date;

    (b) Demonstrate in the facility plan that the solution chosen is cost-effective and selected in accordance with the cost-effectiveness guidelines for the construction grants program (see appendix A to this subpart);

    (c) Apply on behalf of a number of individual units located in the facility planning area;

    (d) Certify that public ownership of such works is not feasible and list the reasons in support of such certification;

    (e) Certify that such treatment works will be properly installed, operated, and maintained and that the public body will be responsible for such actions;

    (f) Certify before the step 2 grant award that the project will be constructed and an operation and maintenance program established to meet local, State, and Federal requirements including those protecting present or potential underground potable water sources;

    (g) Establish a system of user charges and industrial cost recovery in accordance with §§35.928 et seq., 35.929 et seq., 35.935-13, and 35.935-15;

    (h) Obtain assurance (such as an easement or covenant running with the land), before the step 2 grant award, of unlimited access to each individual system at all reasonable times for such purposes as inspection, monitoring, construction, maintenance, operation, rehabilitation, and replacement. An option will satisfy this requirement if it can be exercised no later than the initiation of construction;

    (i) Establish a comprehensive program for regulation and inspection of individual systems before EPA approval of the plans and specifications. Planning for this comprehensive program shall be completed as part of the facility plan. The program shall include as a minimum, periodic testing of water from existing potable water wells in the area. Where a substantial number of onsite systems exist, appropriate additional monitoring of the aquifer(s) shall be provided;

    (j) Comply with all other applicable limitations and conditions which treatment works projects funded under this subpart must meet.