§ 35.925-18 - Limitation upon project costs incurred prior to award.  

Latest version.
  • That project construction has not been initiated before the approved date of initiation of construction (as defined in §35.905), unless otherwise provided in this section.

    (a) Step 1 or Step 2: No grant assistance is authorized for step 1 or step 2 project work performed before award of a step 1 or step 2 grant. However, payment is authorized, in conjunction with the first award of grant assistance, for all preaward allowable project costs in the following cases:

    (1) Step 1 work begun after the date of approval by the Regional Administrator of a plan of study, if the State requests and the Regional Administrator has reserved funds for the step 1 grant. However, the step 1 grant must be applied for and awarded within the allotment period of the reserved funds.

    (2) Step 1 or step 2 work begun after October 31, 1974, but before June 30, 1975, in accordance with an approved plan of study or an approved facilities plan, as appropriate, but only if a grant is awarded before April 1, 1981.

    (3) Step 1 or step 2 work begun before November 1, 1974, but only if a grant is awarded before April 1, 1980.

    (b) Step 3: Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, no grant assistance for a step 3 project may be awarded unless the award precedes initiation of the step 3 construction. Preliminary step 3 work, such as advance acquisition of major equipment items requiring long lead times, acquisition of eligible land or of an option for the purchase of eligible land, or advance construction of minor portions of treatment works, including associated engineering costs, in emergencies or instances where delay could result in significant cost increases, may be approved by the Regional Administrator after completion of environmental review, but only if (1) the applicant submits a written and adequately substantiated request for approval and (2) written approval by the Regional Administrator is obtained before initiation of the advance acquisition or advance construction. (In the case of authorization for acquisition of eligible land, the applicant must submit a plat which shows the legal description of the property to be acquired, a preliminary layout of the distribution and drainage systems, and an explanation of the intended method of acquiring the property.)

    (c) The approval of a plan of study, a facilities plan, or advance acquisition of equipment or advance construction will not constitute a commitment for approval of grant assistance for a subsequent treatment works project, but will allow payment for the previously approved costs as allowable project costs upon subsequent award of grant assistance, if requested before grant award (see §35.945(a)). In instances where such approval is obtained, the applicant proceeds at its own risk, since payment for such costs cannot be made unless grant assistance for the project is awarded.

    [43 FR 44049, Sept. 27, 1978, as amended at 44 FR 39340, July 5, 1979]