Subpart I - Grants for Construction of Treatment Works  

§ 35.2000 - Purpose and policy.
§ 35.2005 - Definitions.
§ 35.2010 - Allotment; reallotment.
§ 35.2012 - Capitalization grants.
§ 35.2015 - State priority system and project priority list.
§ 35.2020 - Reserves.
§ 35.2021 - Reallotment of reserves.
§ 35.2023 - Water quality management planning.
§ 35.2024 - Combined sewer overflows.
§ 35.2025 - Allowance and advance of allowance.
§ 35.2030 - Facilities planning.
§ 35.2032 - Innovative and alternative technologies.
§ 35.2034 - Privately owned individual systems.
§ 35.2035 - Rotating biological contractor (RBC) replacement grants.
§ 35.2036 - Design/build project grants.
§ 35.2040 - Grant application.
§ 35.2042 - Review of grant applications.
§ 35.2050 - Effect of approval or certification of documents.
§ 35.2100 - Limitations on award.
§ 35.2101 - Advanced treatment.
§ 35.2102 - Water quality management planning.
§ 35.2103 - Priority determination.
§ 35.2104 - Funding and other considerations.
§ 35.2105 - Debarment and suspension.
§ 35.2106 - Plan of operation.
§ 35.2107 - Intermunicipal service agreements.
§ 35.2108 - Phased or segmented treatment works.
§ 35.2109 - Step 2 + 3.
§ 35.2110 - Access to individual systems.
§ 35.2111 - Revised water quality standards.
§ 35.2112 - Marine discharge waiver applicants.
§ 35.2113 - Environmental review.
§ 35.2114 - Value engineering.
§ 35.2116 - Collection system.
§ 35.2118 - Preaward costs.
§ 35.2120 - Infiltration/Inflow.
§ 35.2122 - Approval of user charge system and proposed sewer use ordinance.
§ 35.2123 - Reserve capacity.
§ 35.2125 - Treatment of wastewater from industrial users.
§ 35.2127 - Federal facilities.
§ 35.2130 - Sewer use ordinance.
§ 35.2140 - User charge system.
§ 35.2152 - Federal share.
§ 35.2200 - Grant conditions.
§ 35.2202 - Step 2 + 3 projects.
§ 35.2203 - Step 7 projects.
§ 35.2204 - Project changes.
§ 35.2205 - Maximum allowable project cost.
§ 35.2206 - Operation and maintenance.
§ 35.2208 - Adoption of sewer use ordinance and user charge system.
§ 35.2210 - Land acquisition.
§ 35.2211 - Field testing for Innovative and Alternative Technology Report.
§ 35.2212 - Project initiation.
§ 35.2214 - Grantee responsibilities.
§ 35.2216 - Notice of building completion and final inspection.
§ 35.2218 - Project performance.
§ 35.2250 - Determination of allowable costs.
§ 35.2260 - Advance purchase of eligible land.
§ 35.2262 - Funding of field testing.
§ 35.2300 - Grant payments.
§ 35.2350 - Subagreement enforcement.
Appendix A to Subpart I of Part 35 - Determination of Allowable Costs
Appendix B to Subpart I of Part 35 - Allowance for Facilities Planning and Design