§ 51.414 - Criteria and procedures: Latest emissions model.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The conformity determination must be based on the latest emission estimation model available. This criterion applies during all periods. It is satisfied if the most current version of the motor vehicle emissions model specified by EPA for use in the preparation or revision of implementation plans in that State or area is used for the conformity analysis. Where EMFAC is the motor vehicle emissions model used in preparing or revising the applicable implementation plan, new versions must be approved by EPA before they are used in the conformity analysis.

    (b) EPA will consult with DOT to establish a grace period following the specification of any new model.

    (1) The grace period will be no less than three months and no more than 24 months after notice of availability is published in the Federal Register.

    (2) The length of the grace period will depend on the degree of change in the model and the scope of re-planning likely to be necessary by MPOs in order to assure conformity. If the grace period will be longer than three months, EPA will announce the appropriate grace period in the Federal Register.

    (c) Conformity analyses for which the emissions analysis was begun during the grace period or before the Federal Register notice of availability of the latest emission model may continue to use the previous version of the model for transportation plans and TIPs. The previous model may also be used for projects if the analysis was begun during the grace period or before the Federal Register notice of availability, provided no more than three years have passed since the draft environmental document was issued.