§ 52.1234 - Significant deterioration of air quality.  

Latest version.
  • § 52.1234 Significant deterioration of air quality.

    (a) The requirements of sections 160 through 165 of the Clean Air Act are not met, since the plan does not include approvable procedures for preventing the significant deterioration of air qualityexcept for sources seeking permits to locate in Indian country within the State of Minnesota.

    (b) Regulations for preventing the prevention of the significant deterioration of air quality. The provisions of § 52.21 except paragraph (a)(1) are hereby incorporated and made a part of the applicable State plan for the State of Minnesota .

    (c) All applications and other information required pursuant to § 52.21 of this part from sources located in the State of Minnesota shall be submitted to the state agency, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Division of Air Quality, 520 Lafayette Road North, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155, rather than to EPA's Region 5 office.

    [45 FR 52741, Aug. 7, 1980, as amended at 53 FR 18985, May 26, 1988; 68 FR 11323, Mar. 10, 2003; 68 FR 74489, Dec. 24, 2003; 75 FR 55276, Sept. 10, 2010

    for sources wishing to locate in Indian country; and sources constructed under permits issued by EPA.

    [82 FR 44736, Sept. 26, 2017]